Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)

  • Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)已关闭评论
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    这是我的《Advanced .Net Debugging》这个系列的第四篇文章。今天这篇文章的标题虽然叫做“基本调试任务”,但是这章的内容还是挺多的。由于内容太多,故原书的第三章内容我分两篇文章来写。上一篇我们了解了一些调试技巧,比如:单步调试、下断点、过程调试等,这篇文章主要涉及的内容是对象的转储,内存的转储,值类型的转储,引用类型的转储、数组的转储、异常的转储等。第一次说到“转储”,可能大家不知道什么意思,其实就是把我们想要的内容输出出来或者说是打印出来,方便我们分析问题。SOSEX扩展的内容我就省略了,因为我这个系列的是基于 .NET 8 版本来写的,SOSEX是基于 .NET Framework 版本的,如果大家想了解其内容,可以查看我的【高级调试】系列(我当前写的是《Advanced .Net Debugging》系列,是不一样的),当然,也可以看原书。【高级调试】系列主要是集中在 .NET Framework 版本的。如果我们想成为一名合格程序员,这些调试技巧都是必须要掌握的。
    如果在没有说明的情况下,所有代码的测试环境都是 Net 8.0,如果有变动,我会在项目章节里进行说明。好了,废话不多说,开始我们今天的调试工作。

          操作系统:Windows Professional 10
          调试工具:Windbg Preview(Debugger Client:1.2306.1401.0,Debugger engine:10.0.25877.1004)和 NTSD(10.0.22621.2428 AMD64)
          下载地址:可以去Microsoft Store 去下载
          开发工具:Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 (64 位) - Current版本 17.8.3
          Net 版本:.Net 8.0

Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)

  1 using System.Diagnostics;   2    3 namespace ExampleCore_3_1_6   4 {   5     public class ObjTypes   6     {   7         public struct Coordinate   8         {   9             public int xCord;  10             public int yCord;  11             public int zCord;  12   13             public Coordinate(int x, int y, int z)  14             {  15                 xCord = x;  16                 yCord = y;  17                 zCord = z;  18             }  19         }  20   21         private Coordinate coordinate;  22   23         int[] intArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];  24   25         string[] strArray = ["Welcome", "to", "Advanced", ".NET", "Debugging"];  26   27         static void Main(string[] args)  28         {  29             Coordinate point = new Coordinate(100, 100, 100);  30             Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue(AddCoordinate)");  31             Console.ReadKey();  32             ObjTypes ob = new ObjTypes();  33             ob.AddCoordinate(point);  34   35             Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue(Arrays)");  36             Console.ReadKey();  37             ob.PrintArrays();  38   39             Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue(Generics)");  40             Console.ReadKey();  41             Comparer<int> c = new Comparer<int>();  42             Console.WriteLine("Greater:{0}", c.GreaterThan(5, 10));  43   44             Console.WriteLine("Preaa any key to continue(Exception)");  45             Console.ReadKey();  46             ob.ThrowException(null);  47         }  48          49         public void AddCoordinate(Coordinate coord)  50         {  51             coordinate.xCord += coord.xCord;  52             coordinate.yCord += coord.yCord;  53             coordinate.zCord += coord.zCord;  54   55             Console.WriteLine("x:{0},y:{1},z:{2}", coordinate.xCord, coordinate.yCord, coordinate.zCord);  56         }  57   58         public void PrintArrays()  59         {  60             foreach (int i in intArray)  61             {  62                 Console.WriteLine("Int:{0}", i);  63             }  64             foreach (string s in strArray)  65             {  66                 Console.WriteLine("Str:{0}", s);  67             }  68         }  69   70         public void ThrowException(ObjTypes? obj)  71         {  72             if (obj == null)  73             {  74                 throw new ArgumentException("Obj cannot be null");  75             }  76         }          77     }  78     public class Comparer<T> where T : IComparable  79     {  80         public T GreaterThan(T d, T d2)  81         {  82             int ret = d.CompareTo(d2);  83             if (ret > 0)  84             {  85                 return d;  86             }  87             else  88             {  89                 return d2;  90             }  91         }  92   93         public T LessThan(T d, T d2)  94         {  95             int ret = d.CompareTo(d2);  96             if (ret < 0)  97             {  98                 return d;  99             } 100             else 101             { 102                 return d2; 103             } 104         } 105     } 106 }

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Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)

 1 namespace ExampleCore_3_1_7  2 {  3     internal class Program  4     {  5         static void Main(string[] args)  6         {  7             var person = new Person();  8             Console.ReadLine();  9         } 10     } 11     internal class Person 12     { 13         public int Age = 20; 14  15         public string Name = "jack"; 16     } 17 }

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Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)

 1 namespace ExampleCore_3_1_8  2 {  3     internal class Program  4     {  5         static void Main(string[] args)  6         {  7             Console.WriteLine("Welcome to .NET Advanced Debugging!");  8   9             Person person = new Person() { Name = "PatrickLiu", Age = 32, HomeAddress = new Address() { Country = "China", Province = "冀州", City = "直隶总督府", Region = "广平大街23号", PostalCode = "213339" } }; 10  11             Console.WriteLine($"名称:{person.Name},地址:{person.HomeAddress}"); 12  13             Console.Read(); 14         } 15     } 16  17     public class Person 18     { 19         public int Age { get; set; } 20         public string? Name { get; set; } 21         public Address? HomeAddress { get; set; } 22     } 23  24     public class Address 25     { 26         public string? Country { get; set; } 27         public string? Province { get; set; } 28         public string? City { get; set; } 29         public string? Region { get; set; } 30         public string? PostalCode { get; set; } 31         public override string ToString() 32         { 33             return $"{Country}-{Province}-{City}-{Region}-{PostalCode}"; 34         } 35     } 36 }

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    本节的内容也很多,本来打算这篇文章分为:3.1、3.2、3.3、3.4、3.5、3.6 共 6 节就将原书的第三章剩下的内容全部写完,但是内容太多,就只保留一节了。便于学习和阅读。下一篇,怎么排版再定吧。
        本节,我们将介绍一些命令用来分析程序的状态,以确定程序的故障。我们先来介绍非托管调试器中一些常用的命令,然后在介绍在 SOS 调试扩展中针对托管代码调试的命令。
                在调试器中有很多命令都可以转储内存的内容,这个方式非常底层,从内存地址上观察地址上的内容。最常使用的命令是【d(显示内存)】,比如:【dp】命令。根据转储的数据类型不同,命令【d】也有很多不同的变化,比如:du,dw,db,da 等,如果想了解更多,可以查看 Windbg 的帮助文档,命令是【.hh】。
                。du 命令把被转储的内存视作为 Unicode 字符。
                。da 命令把被转储的内存视作为 ASCII字符。
                。dw 命令把被转储的内存视作为字(word)。
                。db 命令把被转储的内存视作为字节值和 ASCII 字符。
                。dq 命令把被转储的内存视作为四字值(quad word)。

                1)、NTSD 调试
                    我们编译项目,打开【Visual Studio 2022 Developer Command Prompt v17.9.2】,输入命令:NTSD E:Visual Studio 2022SourceProjectsAdvancedDebug.NetFramework.TestExampleCore_3_1_7binDebugnet8.0ExampleCore_3_1_7.EXE。
                    Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)

                    Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)


1 0:009> ~0s 2 coreclr!GetThreadNULLOk+0x1e [inlined in coreclr!CrstBase::Enter+0x32]: 3 00007ff9`bd119fa2 488b34c8        mov     rsi,qword ptr [rax+rcx*8] ds:0000026c`600cb0b0=0000026c600ba2d0

                    使用【!clrstack -a】查看托管代码的线程调用栈。

 1 0:000> !clrstack -a  2 OS Thread Id: 0x954 (0)  3         Child SP               IP Call Site  4 000000785C77DCE8 00007ff9bd119fa2 [ExternalMethodFrame: 000000785c77dce8]  5 ......(省略了)  6 000000785C77E4D0 00007FF95D621987 ExampleCore_3_1_7.Program.Main(System.String[])  7     PARAMETERS:  8         args (0x000000785C77E520) = 0x0000026c64808ea0  9     LOCALS: 10         0x000000785C77E508 = 0x0000026c64809640

                    0x0000026c64809640 红色标注的就是 Person 类型的局部变量 person 的地址。我们可以使用【!dumpobj /d 0x0000026c64809640】查看 person 的详情。

 1 0:000> !dumpobj /d 0x0000026c64809640  2 Name:        ExampleCore_3_1_7.Person  3 MethodTable: 00007ff95d6d93e0(方法表地址)  4 EEClass:     00007ff95d6e1f18  5 Tracked Type: false  6 Size:        32(0x20) bytes  7 File:        E:Visual Studio 2022...ExampleCore_3_1_7binDebugnet8.0ExampleCore_3_1_7.dll  8 Fields:  9               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 10 00007ff95d591188  4000001       10         System.Int32  1 instance               20 Age 11 00007ff95d60ec08  4000002        8        System.String  0 instance 000002acf67a04a0 Name 12 0:000>

                    同样,我们可以使用【dp】命令也能看到 person 的详情信息,只是不是很直观。

1 0:000> dp 0x0000026c64809640 2 0000026c`64809640  00007ff9`5d6d93e0 000002ac`f67a04a0 3 0000026c`64809650  00000000`00000014 00000000`00000000 4 0000026c`64809660  00007ff9`5d555fa8 00000000`00000000 5 0000026c`64809670  00000000`00000000 00007ff9`5d60ec08 6 0000026c`64809680  0065006b`0000000c 006c0065`006e0072 7 0000026c`64809690  0064002e`00320033 00000000`006c006c 8 0000026c`648096a0  00000000`00000000 00007ff9`5d700d68 9 0000026c`648096b0  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

                    上面使用【!dumpobj】和【dp】命令我们找到的方法表地址都是一样的。000002ac`f67a04a0 这个项就是 Name 域的地址,因为 Name 是引用类型,所以这里是一个地址。我们可以继续使用【!dumpobj /d 000002ac`f67a04a0】来验证。

 1 0:000> !dumpobj /d 000002ac`f67a04a0  2 Name:        System.String  3 MethodTable: 00007ff95d60ec08  4 EEClass:     00007ff95d5ea500  5 Tracked Type: false  6 Size:        30(0x1e) bytes  7 File:        C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll  8 String:      jack(我们赋的值)  9 Fields: 10               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 11 00007ff95d591188  400033b        8         System.Int32  1 instance                4 _stringLength 12 00007ff95d59b538  400033c        c          System.Char  1 instance               6a _firstChar 13 00007ff95d60ec08  400033a       c8        System.String  0   static 000002acf67a0008 Empty


1 0:000> .hh

                      Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)


                      Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)

                      Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)

                2)、Windbg Preview 调试
                    我们编译项目,打开 Windbg,点击【文件】----》【Launch executable】附加程序 ExampleCore_3_1_7.exe,打开调试器的界面,程序已经处于中断状态。由于显示的内容太多,我们可以使用【.cls】命令清空调试器的界面。我们使用【g】命令继续运行程序,调试器会在【Console.ReadLine()】这行代码处卡住,我们点击【break】按钮,就可以调试程序了。

1 0:006> ~0s 2 ntdll!NtReadFile+0x14: 3 00007ffa`9576ae54 c3              ret

                    我们查看一下当前托管的线程栈,执行命令【!clrstack -a】。

 1 0:000> !clrstack -a  2 OS Thread Id: 0x8fc (0)  3         Child SP               IP Call Site  4 000000D30A57E230 00007ffa9576ae54 [InlinedCallFrame: 000000d30a57e230]   5 000000D30A57E230 00007ff9e4f076eb [InlinedCallFrame: 000000d30a57e230]   6 ......(省略了)  7   8 000000D30A57E580 00007ff95e471987 ExampleCore_3_1_7.Program.Main(System.String[]) [E:Visual Studio..ExampleCore_3_1_7Program.cs @ 8]  9     PARAMETERS: 10         args (0x000000D30A57E5D0) = 0x0000021dc3808ea0 11     LOCALS: 12         0x000000D30A57E5B8 = 0x0000021dc3809640

                    0x0000021dc3809640 红色标注的就是 Person 类型的局部变量 person 的地址。我们直接使用【dp】命令转储出 person 的值。

1 0:000> dp 0x0000021dc3809640 2 0000021d`c3809640  00007ff9`5e5293e0 0000025e`558d04a0 3 0000021d`c3809650  00000000`00000014 00000000`00000000 4 0000021d`c3809660  00007ff9`5e3a5fa8 00000000`00000000 5 0000021d`c3809670  00000000`00000000 00007ff9`5e45ec08 6 0000021d`c3809680  0065006b`0000000c 006c0065`006e0072 7 0000021d`c3809690  0064002e`00320033 00000000`006c006c 8 0000021d`c38096a0  00000000`00000000 00007ff9`5e550d68 9 0000021d`c38096b0  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

                    最左边的一列给出了每行内存的起始地址,后面是内存的内容。00007ff9`5e5293e0 红色标注的就是方法表。我们可以验证。执行命令【!dumpheap -type Person】。

1 0:000> !dumpheap -type Person 2          Address               MT           Size 3     021dc3809640     7ff95e5293e0             32  4  5 Statistics: 6           MT Count TotalSize Class Name 7 7ff95e5293e0     1        32 ExampleCore_3_1_7.Person 8 Total 1 objects, 32 bytes

                    7ff95e5293e0 和 00007ff9`5e5293e0 两个值是一样的。
                    虽然直接输出内存的内容很有用,但是阅读起来就很麻烦。当我们调试托管代码的时候,使用 SOS 扩展命令会提供更直接的信息。

1 windbg> .hh

                    Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)


                我们知道.NET 的类型分为值类型和引用类型,那我们如何判断一个指针指向的是否是值类型呢,最佳的方式就是使用【dumpobj】命令,但它只对引用类型有效。【dumpobj】命令的参数是一个指向引用类型的指针,如果指针指向的是值类型,【dumpobj】命令就会输出:<Note:this object has an  invalid CLASS field>Invalid object。
                1)、NTSD 调试
                        编译项目,打开【Visual Studio 2022 Developer Command Prompt v17.9.2】命令行工具,输入命令【NTSD E:Visual Studio 2022SourceProjectsAdvancedDebug.NetFramework.TestExampleCore_3_1_6binDebugnet8.0ExampleCore_3_1_6.exe】。
                        Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)

                        Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)

                        输出内容太多,使用【.cls】命令,清理一下屏幕。然后使用【g】命令,运行调试器。调试器输出:Press any key to continue(AddCoordinate),如图:
                        Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)

                        输入【ctrl+c】组合键进入中断模式。我们现在查看一下托管线程栈,可以使用【!clrstack -a】命令。

1 0:002> !clrstack -a 2 OS Thread Id: 0x1764 (2) 3 Unable to walk the managed stack. The current thread is likely not a 4 managed thread. You can run !threads to get a list of managed threads in 5 the process 6 Failed to start stack walk: 80070057

                        Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)


1 0:002> ~0s 2 ntdll!NtDeviceIoControlFile+0x14: 3 00007ffb`2fdaae74 c3              ret 4 0:000>

                        我们再次执行【!clrstack -a】命令。

 1 0:000> !clrstack -a  2 OS Thread Id: 0x2c1c (0)  3         Child SP               IP Call Site  4 000000CD41F7E5E8 00007ffb2fdaae74 [InlinedCallFrame: 000000cd41f7e5e8]  5 000000CD41F7E5E8 00007ffb1b68787a [InlinedCallFrame: 000000cd41f7e5e8]  6 。。。。。。(省略了)  7 000000CD41F7E770 00007FF9F55919B6 ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes.Main(System.String[])  8     PARAMETERS:  9         args (0x000000CD41F7E840) = 0x000002a492808ea0 10     LOCALS: 11         0x000000CD41F7E820 = 0x0000006400000064 12         0x000000CD41F7E818 = 0x0000000000000000 13         0x000000CD41F7E810 = 0x0000000000000000


1 0:000> !dumpobj 0x000000CD41F7E820 2 <Note: this object has an invalid CLASS field> 3 Invalid object



 1 0:000> r  2 rax=0000000000000007 rbx=000000cd41f7e550 rcx=00000000000001c8  3 rdx=0000000000000000 rsi=0000000000000000 rdi=00000000000001c8  4 rip=00007ffb2fdaae74 rsp=000000cd41f7e388 rbp=000000cd41f7e490  5  r8=000000cd41f7e388  r9=000000cd41f7e490 r10=0000000000000000  6 r11=0000000000000246 r12=000000cd41f7e8a0 r13=0000000000000004  7 r14=0000000000000003 r15=000000cd41f7ea00  8 iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na po nc  9 cs=0033  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00000244 10 ntdll!NtDeviceIoControlFile+0x14: 11 00007ffb`2fdaae74 c3              ret



1 0:000> dp 0x000000CD41F7E820 2 000000cd`41f7e820  00000064`00000064 00000000`00000064 3 000000cd`41f7e830  000000cd`41f7e860 00007ffa`550da1a3 4 000000cd`41f7e840  000002a4`92808ea0 000000cd`41f7ee88 5 000000cd`41f7e850  000000cd`41f7ee88 000000cd`41f7ea79 6 000000cd`41f7e860  000000cd`41f7e910 00000000`0000001d 7 000000cd`41f7e870  000000cd`41f7ea88 00007ffa`550614c9 8 000000cd`41f7e880  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000130 9 000000cd`41f7e890  000000cd`41f7ea88 00007ffa`54f8a456


                        00000064 的十进制的值就是100。后面有三个域的值是0x64。


1 0:000> ? 00000064 2 Evaluate expression: 100 = 00000000`00000064                  

                        编译项目,打开【Visual Studio 2022 Developer Command Prompt v17.9.2】命令行工具,输入命令【NTSD E:Visual Studio 2022SourceProjectsAdvancedDebug.NetFramework.TestExampleCore_3_1_6binDebugnet8.0ExampleCore_3_1_6.exe】。
                        Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)

                        Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)

                        输出内容太多,使用【.cls】命令,清理一下屏幕。然后使用【g】命令,运行调试器。调试器输出:Press any key to continue(AddCoordinate),如图:
                        Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)

                        按组合键【ctrl+c】,进入中断模式。我们直接使用【!bpmd ExampleCore_3_1_6 ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes.AddCoordinate】命令,在 ObjTypes 类型上的 AddCoordinate 的方法上设置断点。

1 0:009> !bpmd ExampleCore_3_1_6 ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes.AddCoordinate 2 MethodDesc = 00007FF9F5630108 3 Adding pending breakpoints...


0:000> g (131c.3ca0): CLR notification exception - code e0444143 (first chance) JITTED ExampleCore_3_1_6!ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes.AddCoordinate(Coordinate) Setting breakpoint: bp 00007FF9F43B1CD0 [ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes.AddCoordinate(Coordinate)] 。。。

                        重新设置断点,除非并中断执行。我们执行【!clrstack -a】命令查看一下托管线程栈。

 1 0:000> !clrstack -a  2 OS Thread Id: 0x3df8 (0)  3         Child SP               IP Call Site  4 00000085A277E468 00007ffb2d7f9202 [HelperMethodFrame: 00000085a277e468] System.Diagnostics.Debugger.BreakInternal()  5 00000085A277E570 00007FFA4FC654DA System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break()  6   7 00000085A277E5A0 00007FF9F0AB1D1A ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes.AddCoordinate(Coordinate)  8     PARAMETERS:  9         this (0x00000085A277E600) = 0x00000264de809ce0 10         coord (0x00000085A277E628) = 0x0000006400000064 11  12 00000085A277E600 00007FF9F0AB1A11 ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes.Main(System.String[]) 13     PARAMETERS: 14         args (0x00000085A277E6D0) = 0x00000264de808ea0 15     LOCALS: 16         0x00000085A277E6B0 = 0x0000006400000064 17         0x00000085A277E6A8 = 0x00000264de809ce0 18         0x00000085A277E6A0 = 0x0000000000000000


 1 0:000> !dumpobj /d 0x00000264de809ce0  2 Name:        ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes  3 MethodTable: 00007ff9f0b60238  4 EEClass:     00007ff9f0b4fcb8  5 Tracked Type: false  6 Size:        48(0x30) bytes  7 File:        E:Visual Studio 2022SourceProjectsAdvancedDebug.NetFramework.TestExampleCore_3_1_6binDebugnet8.0ExampleCore_3_1_6.dll  8 Fields:  9               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 10 00007ff9f0b601c8  4000001       18 ...jTypes+Coordinate  1 instance 00000264de809cf8 coordinate 11 00007ff9f0a99df8  4000002        8       System.Int32[]  0 instance 00000264de809d10 intArray 12 00007ff9f0b3fac8  4000003       10      System.String[]  0 instance 00000264de809d80 strArray

                        红色标注的【coordinate】就是引用类型包含一个值类型的例子。【MT、Field、Offset、Type、VT、Attr、Value和 Name】这些域具体的意思,可以查看图表。
                        Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)


1 0:000> dp 0x00000264de809ce0+0x18 2 00000264`de809cf8  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 3 00000264`de809d08  00000000`00000000 00007ff9`f0a99df8 4 00000264`de809d18  00000000`00000005 00000002`00000001 5 00000264`de809d28  00000004`00000003 00000000`00000005 6 00000264`de809d38  00000000`00000000 00007ff9`f0bb4468 7 00000264`de809d48  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 8 00000264`de809d58  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 9 00000264`de809d68  00000000`00000000 00007ff9`f0bb3de0

                        第二种就是使用【!dumpvc mt addr】直接查看值类型,更直接。

 1 0:000> !dumpvc 00007ff9f0b601c8  00000264de809cf8  2 Name:        ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes+Coordinate  3 MethodTable: 00007ff9f0b601c8  4 EEClass:     00007ff9f0b4fd30  5 Size:        32(0x20) bytes  6 File:        E:Visual Studio 2022Source...ExampleCore_3_1_6binDebugnet8.0ExampleCore_3_1_6.dll  7 Fields:  8               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name  9 00007ff9f0a21188  4000005        0         System.Int32  1 instance                0 xCord 10 00007ff9f0a21188  4000006        4         System.Int32  1 instance                0 yCord 11 00007ff9f0a21188  4000007        8         System.Int32  1 instance                0 zCord

                2)、Windbg Preview 调试。
                        编译项目,打开 Windbg,点击【文件】----》【launch executable】附加程序,打开调试器的界面,程序已经处于中断状态。我们使用【g】命令,继续运行程序,控制台程序输出:Press any key to continue(AddCoordinate),我们的调试器也处于卡住的状态。此时点击【break】按钮,就可以调试程序了。
                        首先,我们希望显示出托管调用栈以及相关的局部变量。使用【!clrstack -a】命令获取这些信息。

1 0:001> !clrstack -a 2 OS Thread Id: 0x239c (1) 3 Unable to walk the managed stack. The current thread is likely not a  4 managed thread. You can run !clrthreads to get a list of managed threads in 5 the process 6 Failed to start stack walk: 80070057


1 0:001> ~0s 2 ntdll!NtDeviceIoControlFile+0x14: 3 00007ffa`9576ae74 c3              ret


 1 0:000> !clrstack -a  2 OS Thread Id: 0x584 (0)  3         Child SP               IP Call Site  4 000000F06737E948 00007ffa9576ae74 [InlinedCallFrame: 000000f06737e948]   5 000000F06737E948 00007ffa4f72787a [InlinedCallFrame: 000000f06737e948]   6 ......(省略了)  7   8 000000F06737EAD0 00007ff95dd019b6 ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes.Main(System.String[]) [E:Visual Studio...ExampleCore_3_1_6Program.cs @ 29]  9     PARAMETERS: 10         args (0x000000F06737EBA0) = 0x0000020f54808ea0 11     LOCALS: 12         0x000000F06737EB80 = 0x0000006400000064 13         0x000000F06737EB78 = 0x0000000000000000 14         0x000000F06737EB70 = 0x0000000000000000

                        这就是【clrstack】命令输出的托管线程的栈回溯,包括每个栈帧的局部变量和参数。在调用栈中,我们主要关注的是 Main 栈帧和位于地址 0x000000F06737EB80 上的局部变量(红色标注的)。

1 0:000> !dumpobj 0x000000F06737EB80 2 <Note: this object has an invalid CLASS field> 3 Invalid object

                        从命令的输出结果中可以看出,该地址的肯定不是引用类型。我们来验证,值类型被保存在栈上,如果发现某个地址位于当前栈指针的附近,那就可以证明是值类型了。我们使用【r】命令,观察 rsp 寄存器(保存的是当前栈指针)。

 1 0:000> r  2 rax=0000000000000007 rbx=000000f06737e8b0 rcx=0000000000000058  3 rdx=0000000000000000 rsi=0000000000000000 rdi=0000000000000058  4 rip=00007ffa9576ae74 rsp=000000f06737e6e8 rbp=000000f06737e7f0  5  r8=000000f06737e6e8  r9=000000f06737e7f0 r10=0000000000000000  6 r11=0000000000000130 r12=000000f06737ec00 r13=0000000000000004  7 r14=0000000000000003 r15=000000f06737ed60  8 iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na po nc  9 cs=0033  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00000244 10 ntdll!NtDeviceIoControlFile+0x14: 11 00007ffa`9576ae74 c3              ret

                        在 rsp 寄存器中包含的值:000000f06737e6e8,它非常接近我们分析的地址:0x000000F06737EB80。说明我们分析的地址就是一个栈地址,我们使用【dp】查看一下详情。

1 0:000> dp 0x000000F06737EB80 2 000000f0`6737eb80  00000064`00000064 00000000`00000064 3 000000f0`6737eb90  000000f0`6737ebc0 00007ff9`bd85a1a3 4 000000f0`6737eba0  0000020f`54808ea0 000000f0`6737f1e8 5 000000f0`6737ebb0  000000f0`6737f1e8 000000f0`6737edd9 6 000000f0`6737ebc0  000000f0`6737ec70 00000000`0000001d 7 000000f0`6737ebd0  000000f0`6737ede8 00007ff9`bd7e14c9 8 000000f0`6737ebe0  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000130 9 000000f0`6737ebf0  000000f0`6737ede8 00007ff9`bd70a456

                        00000064 红色标注的十进制的值就是100。

1 0:000> ? 00000064 2 Evaluate expression: 100 = 00000000`00000064

                        有三个 00000064,分别对应 Coordinate 类型的各个域。                     

                        【2.1 的例子我们看到了如何显示在函数内声明的值类型的内容。通常,值类型被嵌入在引用类型中并被保存在托管堆上。在这种情况下,我们不能直接使用内存转储命令,而需要借助一些辅助命令来转储值类型。
                        编译项目,打开 Windbg,点击【文件】----》【launch executable】附加程序,打开调试器的界面,程序已经处于中断状态。我们使用【g】命令,继续运行程序,控制台程序输出:Press any key to continue(AddCoordinate),我们的调试器也处于卡住的状态。此时点击【break】按钮,就可以调试程序了。

1 0:007> !bpmd ExampleCore_3_1_6 ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes.AddCoordinate 2 MethodDesc = 00007FF9EDAA0108 3 Adding pending breakpoints...


1 0:007> g 2 (3310.3864): CLR notification exception - code e0444143 (first chance) 3 JITTED ExampleCore_3_1_6!ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes.AddCoordinate(Coordinate) 4 Setting breakpoint: bp 00007FF9ED9F1CE0 [ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes.AddCoordinate(Coordinate)] 5 Breakpoint 0 hit 6 ExampleCore_3_1_6!ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes.AddCoordinate: 7 00007ff9`ed9f1ce0 55              push    rbp

                        当前我们的调试器线程上下文也自动切换到托管线程的上下文,可以直接执行【!clrstack -a】命令。

 1 0:000> !clrstack -a  2 OS Thread Id: 0x3864 (0)  3         Child SP               IP Call Site  4 000000DEBDF7E968 00007ff9ed9f1ce0 ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes.AddCoordinate(Coordinate) [E:Visual Studio.ExampleCore_3_1_6Program.cs @ 48]  5     PARAMETERS:  6         this (<CLR reg>) = 0x0000027eb4409ce0  7         coord (<CLR reg>) = 0x000000debdf7e998  8   9 000000DEBDF7E970 00007ff9ed9f1a11 ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes.Main(System.String[]) [E:Visual Studio..ExampleCore_3_1_6Program.cs @ 31] 10     PARAMETERS: 11         args (0x000000DEBDF7EA40) = 0x0000027eb4408ea0 12     LOCALS: 13         0x000000DEBDF7EA20 = 0x0000006400000064 14         0x000000DEBDF7EA18 = 0x0000027eb4409ce0 15         0x000000DEBDF7EA10 = 0x0000000000000000

                        0x0000027eb4409ce0 红色标注的是 this 指针。this 指针指向当前的对象实例。我们使用【!dumpobj】命令查看一下 this 指针。

 1 0:000> !dumpobj /d 0x0000027eb4409ce0  2 Name:        ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes  3 MethodTable: 00007ff9edaa0238  4 EEClass:     00007ff9eda8fca8  5 Tracked Type: false  6 Size:        48(0x30) bytes  7 File:        E:Visual Studio 2022...ExampleCore_3_1_6binDebugnet8.0ExampleCore_3_1_6.dll  8 Fields:  9               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 10 00007ff9edaa01c8  4000001       18 ...jTypes+Coordinate  1 instance 0000027eb4409cf8 coordinate 11 00007ff9ed9d9df8  4000002        8       System.Int32[]  0 instance 0000027eb4409d10 intArray 12 00007ff9eda7fac8  4000003       10      System.String[]  0 instance 0000027eb4409d80 strArray

                   Fields 是最重要的信息,它包含了这个对象的元数据。各个域的表示信息可以看下表。
                   Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)

1 0:000> dp 000001d9b1c09ce0+0x18 2 000001d9`b1c09cf8  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 3 000001d9`b1c09d08  00000000`00000000 00007ff9`ebf49df8 4 000001d9`b1c09d18  00000000`00000005 00000002`00000001 5 000001d9`b1c09d28  00000004`00000003 00000000`00000005 6 000001d9`b1c09d38  00000000`00000000 00007ff9`ec064468 7 000001d9`b1c09d48  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 8 000001d9`b1c09d58  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 9 000001d9`b1c09d68  00000000`00000000 00007ff9`ec063de0

                   如果我们想查看【...jTypes+Coordinate】的具体的值,可以执行命令【!dumpvc mt addr】。

 1 0:000> !dumpvc 00007ff9edaa01c8 0000027eb4409cf8  2 Name:        ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes+Coordinate  3 MethodTable: 00007ff9edaa01c8  4 EEClass:     00007ff9eda8fd20  5 Size:        32(0x20) bytes  6 File:        E:Visual Studio 2022...ExampleCore_3_1_6binDebugnet8.0ExampleCore_3_1_6.dll  7 Fields:  8               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name  9 00007ff9ed961188  4000005        0         System.Int32  1 instance                0 xCord 10 00007ff9ed961188  4000006        4         System.Int32  1 instance                0 yCord 11 00007ff9ed961188  4000007        8         System.Int32  1 instance                0 zCord


                如果我们想将引用类型转储输出,很简单,直接使用【dumpobj】命令就可以了。【dumpobj】命令的参数可以直接跟引用类型的地址,如果不想输出域的内容,可以使用 -nofields 命令开关。这个命令也有一个简写形式就是【do】。
                1)、NTSD 调试
                    编译项目,打开【Visual Studio 2022 Developer Command Prompt v17.9.2】命令行工具,输入命令【NTSD E:Visual Studio 2022SourceProjectsAdvancedDebug.NetFramework.TestExampleCore_3_1_7binDebugnet8.0ExampleCore_3_1_7.exe】。
                    Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)

                    Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)

                    Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)


1 0:002> ~0s 2 coreclr!LookupMap<MethodTable *>::GetValueAt+0x3 [inlined in coreclr!ClassLoader::LoadTypeDefThrowing+0x89]: 3 00007ffa`536a5c49 48f7d2          not     rdx

                    现在就可以使用【!clrstack -a】命令查看托管线程栈了。

 1 0:000> !clrstack -a  2 OS Thread Id: 0x290c (0)  3         Child SP               IP Call Site  4 00000068AEBEDE68 00007ffa536a5c49 [ExternalMethodFrame: 00000068aebede68]  5 。。。。。。(省略了)  6 00000068AEBEE650 00007FF9F3C51987 ExampleCore_3_1_7.Program.Main(System.String[])  7     PARAMETERS:  8         args (0x00000068AEBEE6A0) = 0x000001afc2408ea0  9     LOCALS: 10         0x00000068AEBEE688 = 0x000001afc2409640

                      0x000001afc2409640 红色标注的就是 Person 类型的局部变量 person。
                      废话不多说,直接使用【!dumpobj】或者【!do】命令查看 Person 的详情了。
 1 0:000> !dumpobj 0x000001afc2409640  2 Name:        ExampleCore_3_1_7.Person  3 MethodTable: 00007ff9f3d093e0  4 EEClass:     00007ff9f3d11f18  5 Tracked Type: false  6 Size:        32(0x20) bytes  7 File:        E:Visual Studio 2022...ExampleCore_3_1_7binDebugnet8.0ExampleCore_3_1_7.dll  8 Fields:  9               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 10 00007ff9f3bc1188  4000001       10         System.Int32  1 instance               20 Age 11 00007ff9f3c3ec08  4000002        8        System.String  0 instance 000001f0546704a0 Name 12  13  14 0:000> !do 0x000001afc2409640 15 Name:        ExampleCore_3_1_7.Person 16 MethodTable: 00007ff9f3d093e0 17 EEClass:     00007ff9f3d11f18 18 Tracked Type: false 19 Size:        32(0x20) bytes 20 File:        E:Visual Studio 2022...ExampleCore_3_1_7binDebugnet8.0ExampleCore_3_1_7.dll 21 Fields: 22               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 23 00007ff9f3bc1188  4000001       10         System.Int32  1 instance               20 Age 24 00007ff9f3c3ec08  4000002        8        System.String  0 instance 000001f0546704a0 Name

                    如果不想输出【Fields】的内容,可以使用 -nofields 命令开关。

 1 0:000> !dumpobj -nofields 0x000001afc2409640  2 Name:        ExampleCore_3_1_7.Person  3 MethodTable: 00007ff9f3d093e0  4 EEClass:     00007ff9f3d11f18  5 Tracked Type: false  6 Size:        32(0x20) bytes  7 File:        E:Visual Studio 2022...ExampleCore_3_1_7binDebugnet8.0ExampleCore_3_1_7.dll  8   9 0:000> !do -nofields 0x000001afc2409640 10 Name:        ExampleCore_3_1_7.Person 11 MethodTable: 00007ff9f3d093e0 12 EEClass:     00007ff9f3d11f18 13 Tracked Type: false 14 Size:        32(0x20) bytes 15 File:        E:Visual Studio 2022...ExampleCore_3_1_7binDebugnet8.0ExampleCore_3_1_7.dll 16 0:000>

                2)、Windbg Preview 调试
                    编译项目,打开 Windbg,点击【文件】----》【launch executable】附加程序,打开调试器的界面,程序已经处于中断状态。我们使用【g】命令,继续运行程序,我们的调试器也处于卡住的状态。此时点击【break】按钮,就可以调试程序了。

1 0:006> ~0s 2 ntdll!NtDeviceIoControlFile+0x14: 3 00007ffb`2fdaae74 c3              ret

                    查看当前的托管线程的调用栈,使用【!clrstack -a】命令。

 1 0:000> !clrstack -a  2 OS Thread Id: 0x99c (0)  3         Child SP               IP Call Site  4 0000006E2117E200 00007ffb2fdaae54 [InlinedCallFrame: 0000006e2117e200]   5 0000006E2117E200 00007ffaeadb76eb [InlinedCallFrame: 0000006e2117e200]   6 。。。。。。(省略了)  7   8 0000006E2117E550 00007ff9f3461987 ExampleCore_3_1_7.Program.Main(System.String[]) [E:Visual Studio...ExampleCore_3_1_7Program.cs @ 8]  9     PARAMETERS: 10         args (0x0000006E2117E5A0) = 0x000001da19808ea0 11     LOCALS: 12         0x0000006E2117E588 = 0x000001da19809640

                    0x000001da19809640 这个地址就是引用类型 Person 的局部变量 person。我们可以直接使用【!dumpobj】或者【!do】命令。

 1 0:000> !DumpObj /d 000001da19809640  2 Name:        ExampleCore_3_1_7.Person  3 MethodTable: 00007ff9f35193e0  4 EEClass:     00007ff9f3521f18  5 Tracked Type: false  6 Size:        32(0x20) bytes  7 File:        E:Visual Studio 2022...ExampleCore_3_1_7binDebugnet8.0ExampleCore_3_1_7.dll  8 Fields:  9               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 10 00007ff9f33d1188  4000001       10         System.Int32  1 instance               20 Age 11 00007ff9f344ec08  4000002        8        System.String  0 instance 0000021aab9904a0 Name 12  13  14 0:000> !do 000001da19809640 15 Name:        ExampleCore_3_1_7.Person 16 MethodTable: 00007ff9f35193e0 17 EEClass:     00007ff9f3521f18 18 Tracked Type: false 19 Size:        32(0x20) bytes 20 File:        E:Visual Studio 2022...ExampleCore_3_1_7binDebugnet8.0ExampleCore_3_1_7.dll 21 Fields: 22               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 23 00007ff9f33d1188  4000001       10         System.Int32  1 instance               20 Age 24 00007ff9f344ec08  4000002        8        System.String  0 instance 0000021aab9904a0 Name

                    我们可以使用 -nofields 命令开关去掉域的内容。

 1 0:000> !DumpObj -nofields 000001da19809640  2 Name:        ExampleCore_3_1_7.Person  3 MethodTable: 00007ff9f35193e0  4 EEClass:     00007ff9f3521f18  5 Tracked Type: false  6 Size:        32(0x20) bytes  7 File:        E:Visual Studio 2022...ExampleCore_3_1_7binDebugnet8.0ExampleCore_3_1_7.dll  8   9  10 0:000> !do -nofields 000001da19809640 11 Name:        ExampleCore_3_1_7.Person 12 MethodTable: 00007ff9f35193e0 13 EEClass:     00007ff9f3521f18 14 Tracked Type: false 15 Size:        32(0x20) bytes 16 File:        E:Visual Studio 2022...ExampleCore_3_1_7binDebugnet8.0ExampleCore_3_1_7.dll

                CLR 将数组作为第一级(first class)引用类型(因为所有数组都是从 System.Array 继承下来的),因此我们可以直接使用【!dumpobj】命令或者【!dumparray】命令转储出数组的在内存中的内容。
                Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)                

                1)、NTSD 调试
                        编译项目,打开【Visual Studio 2022 Developer Command Prompt v17.9.2】命令行工具,输入命令【NTSD E:Visual Studio 2022SourceProjectsAdvancedDebug.NetFramework.TestExampleCore_3_1_6binDebugnet8.0ExampleCore_3_1_6.exe】。
                        Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)

                        Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)

                        继续使用【g】命令运行调试器,直到调试器输出:Press any key to continue(Arrays),然后,我们手动【ctrl+c】进入调试器的中断模式,就可以调试了。
                        Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)


1 0:002> ~0s 2 ntdll!NtDeviceIoControlFile+0x14: 3 00007ffa`eeaeae74 c3              ret

                        现在,我们就可以查看托管线程栈了,执行命令【!clrstack -a】。

0:000> !clrstack -a OS Thread Id: 0x3394 (0)         Child SP               IP Call Site 00000090F577E5E8 00007ffaeeaeae74 [InlinedCallFrame: 00000090f577e5e8] 00000090F577E5E8 00007ffadb81787a [InlinedCallFrame: 00000090f577e5e8] 。。。。。。(省略了)  00000090F577E770 00007FF9BE1E1A2D ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes.Main(System.String[])     PARAMETERS:         args (0x00000090F577E840) = 0x000002282e008ea0     LOCALS:         0x00000090F577E820 = 0x0000006400000064         0x00000090F577E818 = 0x000002282e009ce0         0x00000090F577E810 = 0x0000000000000000

                        0x000002282e009ce0 红色标注的就是 ObjTypes 类型的指针,我们可以使用【!do】命令查看它。

 1 0:000> !do 0x000002282e009ce0  2 Name:        ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes  3 MethodTable: 00007ff9be290238  4 EEClass:     00007ff9be27fca8  5 Tracked Type: false  6 Size:        48(0x30) bytes  7 File:        E:Visual Studio 2022...ExampleCore_3_1_6binDebugnet8.0ExampleCore_3_1_6.dll  8 Fields:  9               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 10 00007ff9be2901c8  4000001       18 ...jTypes+Coordinate  1 instance 000002282e009cf8 coordinate 11 00007ff9be1c9df8  4000002        8       System.Int32[]  0 instance 000002282e009d10 intArray 12 00007ff9be26fac8  4000003       10      System.String[]  0 instance 000002282e009d80 strArray 13 0:000>


                        这里我们开始关注 intArray 值类型数组,也就是红色标注的。intArray 数组的地址是:000002282e009d10,有了地址,我们就可以使用【!dumpobj 000002282e009d10】命令转储出详情。


1 0:000> !dumpobj 000002282e009d10 2 Name:        System.Int32[] 3 MethodTable: 00007ff9be1c9df8 4 EEClass:     00007ff9be1c9d78 5 Tracked Type: false 6 Size:        44(0x2c) bytes 7 Array:       Rank 1, Number of elements 5, Type Int32 8 Fields: 9 None


                        验证了我们的说法,输出了数组的名称,维度(Rank),元素个数(Number of elements)等。我们依然可以使用【dp 000002282e009d10】命令输出详情。
                        Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)

                        我们使用【!dumpmt 00007ff9`be1c9df8】命令是不是数组的方法表。

 1 0:000> !dumpmt 00007ff9`be1c9df8  2 EEClass:         00007FF9BE1C9D78  3 Module:          00007FF9BE084000  4 Name:            System.Int32[]  5 mdToken:         0000000002000000  6 File:            C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll  7 BaseSize:        0x18  8 ComponentSize:   0x4  9 DynamicStatics:  false 10 ContainsPointers false 11 Slots in VTable: 28 12 Number of IFaces in IFaceMap: 6

                        当然,我们可以直接使用【!dumparray 000002282e009d10】命令查看 intArray 数组详情,这个命令更直观。


 1 0:000> !dumparray 000002282e009d10  2 Name:        System.Int32[]  3 MethodTable: 00007ff9be1c9df8  4 EEClass:     00007ff9be1c9d78  5 Size:        44(0x2c) bytes  6 Array:       Rank 1, Number of elements 5, Type Int32  7 Element Methodtable: 00007ff9be151188  8 [0] 000002282e009d20  9 [1] 000002282e009d24 10 [2] 000002282e009d28 11 [3] 000002282e009d2c 12 [4] 000002282e009d30 13  14 0:000> !dumpvc 00007ff9be151188 000002282e009d20 15 Name:        System.Int32 16 MethodTable: 00007ff9be151188 17 EEClass:     00007ff9be141e20 18 Size:        24(0x18) bytes 19 File:        C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll 20 Fields: 21               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 22 00007ff9be151188  400051d        0         System.Int32  1 instance                1 m_value 23  24 0:000> !dumpvc 00007ff9be151188 000002282e009d24 25 Name:        System.Int32 26 MethodTable: 00007ff9be151188 27 EEClass:     00007ff9be141e20 28 Size:        24(0x18) bytes 29 File:        C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll 30 Fields: 31               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 32 00007ff9be151188  400051d        0         System.Int32  1 instance                2 m_value 33  34 0:000> !dumpvc 00007ff9be151188 000002282e009d28 35 Name:        System.Int32 36 MethodTable: 00007ff9be151188 37 EEClass:     00007ff9be141e20 38 Size:        24(0x18) bytes 39 File:        C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll 40 Fields: 41               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 42 00007ff9be151188  400051d        0         System.Int32  1 instance                3 m_value 43  44 0:000> !dumpvc 00007ff9be151188 000002282e009d2c 45 Name:        System.Int32 46 MethodTable: 00007ff9be151188 47 EEClass:     00007ff9be141e20 48 Size:        24(0x18) bytes 49 File:        C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll 50 Fields: 51               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 52 00007ff9be151188  400051d        0         System.Int32  1 instance                4 m_value 53  54 0:000> !dumpvc 00007ff9be151188 000002282e009d30 55 Name:        System.Int32 56 MethodTable: 00007ff9be151188 57 EEClass:     00007ff9be141e20 58 Size:        24(0x18) bytes 59 File:        C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll 60 Fields: 61               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 62 00007ff9be151188  400051d        0         System.Int32  1 instance                5 m_value 63 0:000>


                        编译项目,打开【Visual Studio 2022 Developer Command Prompt v17.9.2】命令行工具,输入命令【NTSD E:Visual Studio 2022SourceProjectsAdvancedDebug.NetFramework.TestExampleCore_3_1_6binDebugnet8.0ExampleCore_3_1_6.exe】。
                        Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)
                        Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)

                        继续使用【g】命令运行调试器,直到调试器输出:Press any key to continue(Arrays),然后,我们手动【ctrl+c】进入调试器的中断模式,就可以调试了。
                        Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)


1 0:002> ~0s 2 ntdll!NtDeviceIoControlFile+0x14: 3 00007ffa`eeaeae74 c3              ret

                        现在,我们就可以查看托管线程栈了,执行命令【!clrstack -a】。

 1 0:000> !clrstack -a  2 OS Thread Id: 0x3394 (0)  3         Child SP               IP Call Site  4 00000090F577E5E8 00007ffaeeaeae74 [InlinedCallFrame: 00000090f577e5e8]  5 00000090F577E5E8 00007ffadb81787a [InlinedCallFrame: 00000090f577e5e8]  6 。。。。。。(省略了)  7   8 00000090F577E770 00007FF9BE1E1A2D ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes.Main(System.String[])  9     PARAMETERS: 10         args (0x00000090F577E840) = 0x000002282e008ea0 11     LOCALS: 12         0x00000090F577E820 = 0x0000006400000064 13         0x00000090F577E818 = 0x000002282e009ce0 14         0x00000090F577E810 = 0x0000000000000000

                        0x000002282e009ce0 红色标注的就是 ObjTypes 类型的指针,我们可以使用【!do】命令查看它。

 1 0:000> !do 0x000002282e009ce0  2 Name:        ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes  3 MethodTable: 00007ff9be290238  4 EEClass:     00007ff9be27fca8  5 Tracked Type: false  6 Size:        48(0x30) bytes  7 File:        E:Visual Studio 2022SourceProjectsAdvancedDebug.NetFramework.TestExampleCore_3_1_6binDebugnet8.0ExampleCore_3_1_6.dll  8 Fields:  9               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 10 00007ff9be2901c8  4000001       18 ...jTypes+Coordinate  1 instance 000002282e009cf8 coordinate 11 00007ff9be1c9df8  4000002        8       System.Int32[]  0 instance 000002282e009d10 intArray 12 00007ff9be26fac8  4000003       10      System.String[]  0 instance 000002282e009d80 strArray

                        这里我们开始关注 strArray 引用类型数组,也就是红色标注的。我们先使用【dp 000002282e009d80】命令转储一下。
                        Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)

                        执行【!dumpmt 00007ff9`be26fac8】命令查看 strArray 数组的方法表。

 1 0:000> !dumpmt 00007ff9`be26fac8  2 EEClass:         00007FF9BE11C440  3 Module:          00007FF9BE084000  4 Name:            System.String[]  5 mdToken:         0000000002000000  6 File:            C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll  7 BaseSize:        0x18  8 ComponentSize:   0x8  9 DynamicStatics:  false 10 ContainsPointers true 11 Slots in VTable: 28 12 Number of IFaces in IFaceMap: 6


 1 0:000> !do -nofields 00000268`c0280b78  2 Name:        System.String  3 MethodTable: 00007ff9be1cec08  4 EEClass:     00007ff9be1aa500  5 Tracked Type: false  6 Size:        36(0x24) bytes  7 File:        C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll  8 String:      Welcome  9  10 0:000> !do -nofields 00000268`c0280ba0 11 Name:        System.String 12 MethodTable: 00007ff9be1cec08 13 EEClass:     00007ff9be1aa500 14 Tracked Type: false 15 Size:        26(0x1a) bytes 16 File:        C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll 17 String:      to 18  19 0:000> !do -nofields 00000268`c0280bc0 20 Name:        System.String 21 MethodTable: 00007ff9be1cec08 22 EEClass:     00007ff9be1aa500 23 Tracked Type: false 24 Size:        38(0x26) bytes 25 File:        C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll 26 String:      Advanced 27  28 0:000> !do -nofields 00000268`c0280be8 29 Name:        System.String 30 MethodTable: 00007ff9be1cec08 31 EEClass:     00007ff9be1aa500 32 Tracked Type: false 33 Size:        30(0x1e) bytes 34 File:        C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll 35 String:      .NET 36  37 0:000> !do -nofields 00000268`c0280c08 38 Name:        System.String 39 MethodTable: 00007ff9be1cec08 40 EEClass:     00007ff9be1aa500 41 Tracked Type: false 42 Size:        40(0x28) bytes 43 File:        C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll 44 String:      Debugging

                        Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)


1 0:000> !do -nofields 00000268c0280b78 2 Name:        System.String 3 MethodTable: 00007ff9be1cec08 4 EEClass:     00007ff9be1aa500 5 Tracked Type: false 6 Size:        36(0x24) bytes 7 File:        C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll 8 String:      Welcome


                2)、Windbg Preview 调试
                        编译项目,打开 Windbg,点击【文件】----》【launch executable】附加程序,打开调试器的界面,程序已经处于中断状态。我们使用【g】命令,继续运行程序,直到我们的控制台程序输出:Press any key to continue(Arrays),我们的调试器也处于卡住的状态。此时点击【break】按钮,就可以调试程序了。

1 0:001> ~0s 2 ntdll!NtDeviceIoControlFile+0x14: 3 00007ffa`eeaeae74 c3              ret

                        现在我们需要查看一下托管线程的调用栈,执行命令【!clrstack -a】。

 1 0:000> !clrstack -a  2 OS Thread Id: 0x3144 (0)  3         Child SP               IP Call Site  4 0000000C91F7E668 00007ffaeeaeae74 [InlinedCallFrame: 0000000c91f7e668]   5 0000000C91F7E668 00007ffa375c787a [InlinedCallFrame: 0000000c91f7e668]   6 。。。。。。(省略了)  7   8 0000000C91F7E7F0 00007ff9b6fa1a2d ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes.Main(System.String[]) [E:Visual Studio...ExampleCore_3_1_6Program.cs @ 36]  9     PARAMETERS: 10         args (0x0000000C91F7E8C0) = 0x000001cfe3408ea0 11     LOCALS: 12         0x0000000C91F7E8A0 = 0x0000006400000064 13         0x0000000C91F7E898 = 0x000001cfe3409ce0 14         0x0000000C91F7E890 = 0x0000000000000000

                        0x000001cfe3409ce0 标红的就是 ObjTypes 类型的指针,执行命令【!do 0x000001cfe3409ce0】确认一下。

 1 0:000> !do 0x000001cfe3409ce0  2 Name:        ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes  3 MethodTable: 00007ff9b7050238  4 EEClass:     00007ff9b703fca8  5 Tracked Type: false  6 Size:        48(0x30) bytes  7 File:        E:Visual Studio 2022...ExampleCore_3_1_6binDebugnet8.0ExampleCore_3_1_6.dll  8 Fields:  9               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 10 00007ff9b70501c8  4000001       18 ...jTypes+Coordinate  1 instance 000001cfe3409cf8 coordinate 11 00007ff9b6f89df8  4000002        8       System.Int32[]  0 instance 000001cfe3409d10 intArray 12 00007ff9b702fac8  4000003       10      System.String[]  0 instance 000001cfe3409d80 strArray

                        我们看到了 ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes 类型有两个数组的域,分别是:intArray 和 strArray。我们获取了 intArray数组的地址:000001cfe3409d10 ,我们使用【!dumpobj 000001cfe3409d10】命令查看一下 intArray 数组的详情。

1 0:000> !dumpobj 000001cfe3409d10 2 Name:        System.Int32[] 3 MethodTable: 00007ff9b6f89df8 4 EEClass:     00007ff9b6f89d78 5 Tracked Type: false 6 Size:        44(0x2c) bytes 7 Array:       Rank 1, Number of elements 5, Type Int32 (Print Array) 8 Fields: 9 None

                        【!dumpobj】命令输出了数组的名称(Name),方法表(MethodTable),数组的维度(Rank),数组的类型(Type)和数组的元素个数(Number of elements),但是我们没有看到数组的元素内容。如果想查看数组的内容,我们可以使用【dp】命令。

1 0:000> dp 000001cfe3409d10 2 000001cf`e3409d10  00007ff9`b6f89df8 00000000`00000005 3 000001cf`e3409d20  00000002`00000001 00000004`00000003 4 000001cf`e3409d30  00000000`00000005 00000000`00000000 5 000001cf`e3409d40  00007ff9`b70a4468 00000000`00000000 6 000001cf`e3409d50  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 7 000001cf`e3409d60  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 8 000001cf`e3409d70  00007ff9`b70a3de0 00000000`00000000 9 000001cf`e3409d80  00007ff9`b702fac8 00000000`00000005

                        00007ff9`b6f89df8 第一个值就是数组本身的方法表的地址00000000`00000005 表示的数组元素个数,是 5 个元素。00000002`0000000100000004`0000000300000000`00000005 就是数组的元素内容,分别是:1,2,3,4,5。
                        00007ff9`b6f89df8 这个地址是数组本身的方法表,我们可以执行【!dumpmt 00007ff9`b6f89df8】命令验证一下。

 1 0:000> !dumpmt 00007ff9`b6f89df8  2 EEClass:             00007ff9b6f89d78  3 Module:              00007ff9b6e44000  4 Name:                System.Int32[]  5 mdToken:             0000000002000000  6 File:                C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll  7 AssemblyLoadContext: Default ALC - The managed instance of this context doesn't exist yet.  8 BaseSize:            0x18  9 ComponentSize:       0x4 10 DynamicStatics:      false 11 ContainsPointers:    false 12 Slots in VTable:     28 13 Number of IFaces in IFaceMap: 6                     

                        编译项目,打开 Windbg,点击【文件】----》【launch executable】附加程序,打开调试器的界面,程序已经处于中断状态。我们使用【g】命令,继续运行程序,直到我们的控制台程序输出:Press any key to continue(Arrays),我们的调试器也处于卡住的状态。此时点击【break】按钮,就可以调试程序了。

1 0:001> ~0s 2 ntdll!NtDeviceIoControlFile+0x14: 3 00007ffa`eeaeae74 c3              ret

                        现在我们需要查看一下托管线程的调用栈,执行命令【!clrstack -a】。

 1 0:000> !clrstack -a  2 OS Thread Id: 0x3144 (0)  3         Child SP               IP Call Site  4 0000000C91F7E668 00007ffaeeaeae74 [InlinedCallFrame: 0000000c91f7e668]   5 0000000C91F7E668 00007ffa375c787a [InlinedCallFrame: 0000000c91f7e668]   6 。。。。。。(省略了)  7   8 0000000C91F7E7F0 00007ff9b6fa1a2d ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes.Main(System.String[]) [E:Visual Studio...ExampleCore_3_1_6Program.cs @ 36]  9     PARAMETERS: 10         args (0x0000000C91F7E8C0) = 0x000001cfe3408ea0 11     LOCALS: 12         0x0000000C91F7E8A0 = 0x0000006400000064 13         0x0000000C91F7E898 = 0x000001cfe3409ce0 14         0x0000000C91F7E890 = 0x0000000000000000

                        0x000001cfe3409ce0 标红的就是 ObjTypes 类型的指针,执行命令【!do 0x000001cfe3409ce0】确认一下。

 1 0:000> !do 0x000001cfe3409ce0  2 Name:        ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes  3 MethodTable: 00007ff9b7050238  4 EEClass:     00007ff9b703fca8  5 Tracked Type: false  6 Size:        48(0x30) bytes  7 File:        E:Visual Studio 2022...ExampleCore_3_1_6binDebugnet8.0ExampleCore_3_1_6.dll  8 Fields:  9               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 10 00007ff9b70501c8  4000001       18 ...jTypes+Coordinate  1 instance 000001cfe3409cf8 coordinate 11 00007ff9b6f89df8  4000002        8       System.Int32[]  0 instance 000001cfe3409d10 intArray 12 00007ff9b702fac8  4000003       10      System.String[]  0 instance 000001cfe3409d80 strArray

                        我们看到了 ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes 类型有两个数组的域,分别是:intArray 和 strArray。这次我们关注 strArray 字符串数据,我们获取了 strArray 数组的地址:000001cfe3409d80 ,我们使用【!dumpobj 000001cfe3409d80】命令查看一下 strArray 数组的详情。

1 0:000> !dumpobj /d 000001cfe3409d80 2 Name:        System.String[] 3 MethodTable: 00007ff9b702fac8 4 EEClass:     00007ff9b6edc440 5 Tracked Type: false 6 Size:        64(0x40) bytes 7 Array:       Rank 1, Number of elements 5, Type CLASS (Print Array) 8 Fields: 9 None

                        我们也可以使用【dp 000001cfe3409d80】命令查看它的显示。

0:000> dp 000001cfe3409d80 000001cf`e3409d80  00007ff9`b702fac8 00000000`00000005 000001cf`e3409d90  00000210`75660b78 00000210`75660ba0 000001cf`e3409da0  00000210`75660bc0 00000210`75660be8 000001cf`e3409db0  00000210`75660c08 00000000`00000000 000001cf`e3409dc0  00007ff9`b6f11188 00000000`00000064 000001cf`e3409dd0  00000000`00000000 00007ff9`b6f11188 000001cf`e3409de0  00000000`00000064 00000000`00000000 000001cf`e3409df0  00007ff9`b6f11188 00000000`00000064

                        00007ff9`b702fac8 就是 strArray 数组的方法表,我们可以使用【!dumpmt 00007ff9`b702fac8】验证这点。

 1 0:000> !dumpmt 00007ff9`b702fac8  2 EEClass:             00007ff9b6edc440  3 Module:              00007ff9b6e44000  4 Name:                System.String[]  5 mdToken:             0000000002000000  6 File:                C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll  7 AssemblyLoadContext: Default ALC - The managed instance of this context doesn't exist yet.  8 BaseSize:            0x18  9 ComponentSize:       0x8 10 DynamicStatics:      false 11 ContainsPointers:    true 12 Slots in VTable:     28 13 Number of IFaces in IFaceMap: 6

                        【dp 000001cfe3409d80】命令的 00000000`00000005 这个值就是 strArray 数组的元素个数。【dp 000001cfe3409d80】命令的5个输出就是数组元素的值,由于它们是引用类型,我们可以依次使用【!dumpobj】命令输出它们的内容。

0:000> !dumpobj 00000210`75660b78 Name:        System.String MethodTable: 00007ff9b6f8ec08 EEClass:     00007ff9b6f6a500 Tracked Type: false Size:        36(0x24) bytes File:        C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll String:      Welcome Fields:               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 00007ff9b6f11188  400033b        8         System.Int32  1 instance                7 _stringLength 00007ff9b6f1b538  400033c        c          System.Char  1 instance               57 _firstChar 00007ff9b6f8ec08  400033a       c8        System.String  0   static 0000021075660008 Empty  0:000> !dumpobj 00000210`75660ba0 Name:        System.String MethodTable: 00007ff9b6f8ec08 EEClass:     00007ff9b6f6a500 Tracked Type: false Size:        26(0x1a) bytes File:        C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll String:      to Fields:               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 00007ff9b6f11188  400033b        8         System.Int32  1 instance                2 _stringLength 00007ff9b6f1b538  400033c        c          System.Char  1 instance               74 _firstChar 00007ff9b6f8ec08  400033a       c8        System.String  0   static 0000021075660008 Empty  0:000> !dumpobj 00000210`75660bc0 Name:        System.String MethodTable: 00007ff9b6f8ec08 EEClass:     00007ff9b6f6a500 Tracked Type: false Size:        38(0x26) bytes File:        C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll String:      Advanced Fields:               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 00007ff9b6f11188  400033b        8         System.Int32  1 instance                8 _stringLength 00007ff9b6f1b538  400033c        c          System.Char  1 instance               41 _firstChar 00007ff9b6f8ec08  400033a       c8        System.String  0   static 0000021075660008 Empty  0:000> !dumpobj 00000210`75660be8 Name:        System.String MethodTable: 00007ff9b6f8ec08 EEClass:     00007ff9b6f6a500 Tracked Type: false Size:        30(0x1e) bytes File:        C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll String:      .NET Fields:               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 00007ff9b6f11188  400033b        8         System.Int32  1 instance                4 _stringLength 00007ff9b6f1b538  400033c        c          System.Char  1 instance               2e _firstChar 00007ff9b6f8ec08  400033a       c8        System.String  0   static 0000021075660008 Empty  0:000> !dumpobj 00000210`75660c08 Name:        System.String MethodTable: 00007ff9b6f8ec08 EEClass:     00007ff9b6f6a500 Tracked Type: false Size:        40(0x28) bytes File:        C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll String:      Debugging Fields:               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 00007ff9b6f11188  400033b        8         System.Int32  1 instance                9 _stringLength 00007ff9b6f1b538  400033c        c          System.Char  1 instance               44 _firstChar 00007ff9b6f8ec08  400033a       c8        System.String  0   static 0000021075660008 Empty

                        我们直接输出 intArray,使用【!dumparray】命令。

 1 0:000> !dumparray 000001cfe3409d10  2 Name:        System.Int32[]  3 MethodTable: 00007ff9b6f89df8  4 EEClass:     00007ff9b6f89d78  5 Size:        44(0x2c) bytes  6 Array:       Rank 1, Number of elements 5, Type Int32  7 Element Methodtable: 00007ff9b6f11188  8 [0] 000001cfe3409d20  9 [1] 000001cfe3409d24 10 [2] 000001cfe3409d28 11 [3] 000001cfe3409d2c 12 [4] 000001cfe3409d30 13  14 0:000> !DumpVC /d 00007ff9b6f11188 000001cfe3409d20 15 Name:        System.Int32 16 MethodTable: 00007ff9b6f11188 17 EEClass:     00007ff9b6f01e20 18 Size:        24(0x18) bytes 19 File:        C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll 20 Fields: 21               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 22 00007ff9b6f11188  400051d        0         System.Int32  1 instance                1 m_value 23  24 0:000> !DumpVC /d 00007ff9b6f11188 000001cfe3409d24 25 Name:        System.Int32 26 MethodTable: 00007ff9b6f11188 27 EEClass:     00007ff9b6f01e20 28 Size:        24(0x18) bytes 29 File:        C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll 30 Fields: 31               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 32 00007ff9b6f11188  400051d        0         System.Int32  1 instance                2 m_value 33  34 0:000> !DumpVC /d 00007ff9b6f11188 000001cfe3409d28 35 Name:        System.Int32 36 MethodTable: 00007ff9b6f11188 37 EEClass:     00007ff9b6f01e20 38 Size:        24(0x18) bytes 39 File:        C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll 40 Fields: 41               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 42 00007ff9b6f11188  400051d        0         System.Int32  1 instance                3 m_value 43  44 0:000> !DumpVC /d 00007ff9b6f11188 000001cfe3409d2c 45 Name:        System.Int32 46 MethodTable: 00007ff9b6f11188 47 EEClass:     00007ff9b6f01e20 48 Size:        24(0x18) bytes 49 File:        C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll 50 Fields: 51               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 52 00007ff9b6f11188  400051d        0         System.Int32  1 instance                4 m_value 53  54 0:000> !DumpVC /d 00007ff9b6f11188 000001cfe3409d30 55 Name:        System.Int32 56 MethodTable: 00007ff9b6f11188 57 EEClass:     00007ff9b6f01e20 58 Size:        24(0x18) bytes 59 File:        C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll 60 Fields: 61               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 62 00007ff9b6f11188  400051d        0         System.Int32  1 instance                5 m_value


 1 0:000> !dumparray 000001cfe3409d80  2 Name:        System.String[]  3 MethodTable: 00007ff9b702fac8  4 EEClass:     00007ff9b6edc440  5 Size:        64(0x40) bytes  6 Array:       Rank 1, Number of elements 5, Type CLASS  7 Element Methodtable: 00007ff9b6f8ec08  8 [0] 0000021075660b78  9 [1] 0000021075660ba0 10 [2] 0000021075660bc0 11 [3] 0000021075660be8 12 [4] 0000021075660c08 13  14 0:000> !DumpObj /d 0000021075660b78 15 Name:        System.String 16 MethodTable: 00007ff9b6f8ec08 17 EEClass:     00007ff9b6f6a500 18 Tracked Type: false 19 Size:        36(0x24) bytes 20 File:        C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll 21 String:      Welcome 22 Fields: 23               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 24 00007ff9b6f11188  400033b        8         System.Int32  1 instance                7 _stringLength 25 00007ff9b6f1b538  400033c        c          System.Char  1 instance               57 _firstChar 26 00007ff9b6f8ec08  400033a       c8        System.String  0   static 0000021075660008 Empty 27  28 0:000> !DumpObj /d 0000021075660ba0 29 Name:        System.String 30 MethodTable: 00007ff9b6f8ec08 31 EEClass:     00007ff9b6f6a500 32 Tracked Type: false 33 Size:        26(0x1a) bytes 34 File:        C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll 35 String:      to 36 Fields: 37               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 38 00007ff9b6f11188  400033b        8         System.Int32  1 instance                2 _stringLength 39 00007ff9b6f1b538  400033c        c          System.Char  1 instance               74 _firstChar 40 00007ff9b6f8ec08  400033a       c8        System.String  0   static 0000021075660008 Empty 41  42 0:000> !DumpObj /d 0000021075660bc0 43 Name:        System.String 44 MethodTable: 00007ff9b6f8ec08 45 EEClass:     00007ff9b6f6a500 46 Tracked Type: false 47 Size:        38(0x26) bytes 48 File:        C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll 49 String:      Advanced 50 Fields: 51               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 52 00007ff9b6f11188  400033b        8         System.Int32  1 instance                8 _stringLength 53 00007ff9b6f1b538  400033c        c          System.Char  1 instance               41 _firstChar 54 00007ff9b6f8ec08  400033a       c8        System.String  0   static 0000021075660008 Empty 55  56 0:000> !DumpObj /d 0000021075660be8 57 Name:        System.String 58 MethodTable: 00007ff9b6f8ec08 59 EEClass:     00007ff9b6f6a500 60 Tracked Type: false 61 Size:        30(0x1e) bytes 62 File:        C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll 63 String:      .NET 64 Fields: 65               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 66 00007ff9b6f11188  400033b        8         System.Int32  1 instance                4 _stringLength 67 00007ff9b6f1b538  400033c        c          System.Char  1 instance               2e _firstChar 68 00007ff9b6f8ec08  400033a       c8        System.String  0   static 0000021075660008 Empty 69  70 0:000> !DumpObj /d 0000021075660c08 71 Name:        System.String 72 MethodTable: 00007ff9b6f8ec08 73 EEClass:     00007ff9b6f6a500 74 Tracked Type: false 75 Size:        40(0x28) bytes 76 File:        C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll 77 String:      Debugging 78 Fields: 79               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 80 00007ff9b6f11188  400033b        8         System.Int32  1 instance                9 _stringLength 81 00007ff9b6f1b538  400033c        c          System.Char  1 instance               44 _firstChar 82 00007ff9b6f8ec08  400033a       c8        System.String  0   static 0000021075660008 Empty

                命令格式:!DumpStackObjects [-verify] [top stack [bottom stack]],verify 选项表示对找到的每个托管对象进行一个验证过程,这对对象是否被破坏来说非常有用。如果想对这个命令的输出进行限制,需要指定一个范围(栈顶[top stack]和栈低[bottom stack])。

                1)、NTSD 调试
                    编译项目,打开【Visual Studio 2022 Developer Command Prompt v17.9.2】命令行工具,输入命令【NTSD E:Visual Studio 2022SourceProjectsAdvancedDebug.NetFramework.TestExampleCore_3_1_6binDebugnet8.0ExampleCore_3_1_6.exe】。
                    Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)
                    Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)

                    继续使用【g】命令运行调试器,直到调试器输出:Press any key to continue(Generics),然后,我们手动【ctrl+c】进入调试器的中断模式,就可以调试了。
                    Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)


1 0:002> ~0s 2 ntdll!NtDeviceIoControlFile+0x14: 3 00007ffa`eeaeae74 c3              ret


 1 0:000> !dso  2 OS Thread Id: 0x1d8c (0)  3 RSP/REG          Object           Name  4 000000F45E99E8A8 00000235eb220b30 Interop+INPUT_RECORD  5 000000F45E99E918 00000235eb220b30 Interop+INPUT_RECORD  6 000000F45E99E920 000001f559009c98 System.Object  7 000000F45E99E950 00000235eb220560 System.String    Press any key to continue(Generics)  8 000000F45E99E9B8 000001f559009c38 System.IO.TextWriter+SyncTextWriter  9 000000F45E99E9C0 000001f559009ce0 ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes 10 000000F45E99EA28 000001f559009ce0 ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes 11 000000F45E99EA48 000001f559009ce0 ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes 12 000000F45E99EA70 000001f559008ea0 System.String[] 13 000000F45E99EB18 000001f559008ea0 System.String[] 14 000000F45E99ED10 000001f559008ea0 System.String[] 15 000000F45E99ED18 000001f559008ea0 System.String[] 16 000000F45E99EE30 000001f559008ea0 System.String[] 17 000000F45E99EEB0 000001f559008eb8 System.String    E:Visual Studio 2022...ExampleCore_3_1_6binDebugnet8.0ExampleCore_3_1_6.dll 18 000000F45E99EEC0 000001f559008ea0 System.String[] 19 000000F45E99EED0 000001f559008e80 System.String[] 20 000000F45E99EF08 000001f559008eb8 System.String    E:Visual Studio 2022...ExampleCore_3_1_6binDebugnet8.0ExampleCore_3_1_6.dll 21 000000F45E99F0B8 000001f559008ea0 System.String[]

                    在输出结果中有 3 列:

                2)、Windbg Preview 调试
                    编译项目,打开 Windbg,点击【文件】----》【launch executable】附加程序,打开调试器的界面,程序已经处于中断状态。我们使用【g】命令,继续运行程序,直到我们的控制台程序输出:Press any key to continue(Generics),我们的调试器也处于卡住的状态。此时点击【break】按钮,就可以调试程序了。

1 0:007> ~0s 2 ntdll!NtDeviceIoControlFile+0x14: 3 00007ffa`eeaeae74 c3              ret


 1 0:000> !DumpStackObjects  2 OS Thread Id: 0x3a04 (0)  3           SP/REG           Object Name  4     00c21e57e918     026cd5cb1378 System.String  5     00c21e57ea28     026cd5cb0b30 Interop+INPUT_RECORD  6     00c21e57ea98     026cd5cb0b30 Interop+INPUT_RECORD  7     00c21e57eaa0     022c43c09c98 System.Object  8     00c21e57ead0     026cd5cb0560 System.String  9     00c21e57eb38     022c43c09c38 System.IO.TextWriter+SyncTextWriter 10     00c21e57eb40     022c43c09ce0 ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes 11     00c21e57eba8     022c43c09ce0 ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes 12     00c21e57ebc8     022c43c09ce0 ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes 13     00c21e57ebf0     022c43c08ea0 System.String[] 14     00c21e57ec98     022c43c08ea0 System.String[] 15     00c21e57ee90     022c43c08ea0 System.String[] 16     00c21e57ee98     022c43c08ea0 System.String[] 17     00c21e57efb0     022c43c08ea0 System.String[] 18     00c21e57f030     022c43c08eb8 System.String 19     00c21e57f040     022c43c08ea0 System.String[] 20     00c21e57f050     022c43c08e80 System.String[] 21     00c21e57f088     022c43c08eb8 System.String 22     00c21e57f238     022c43c08ea0 System.String[]

                    在输出结果中有 3 列:

                Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)


                1)、NTSD 调试
                    编译项目,打开【Visual Studio 2022 Developer Command Prompt v17.9.2】命令行工具,输入命令【NTSD E:Visual Studio 2022SourceProjectsAdvancedDebug.NetFramework.TestExampleCore_3_1_8binDebugnet8.0ExampleCore_3_1_8.exe】。
                    Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)

                    Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)

                    Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)


1 0:001> ~0s 2 ucrtbase!strcmp+0x49: 3 00007ffa`ec654e69 4e8d0c10        lea     r9,[rax+r10]

                    我们使用【!clrstack -a】命令查看一下托管线程的调用栈。

 1 0:000> !clrstack -a  2 OS Thread Id: 0x2798 (0)  3         Child SP               IP Call Site  4 0000006CF777E238 00007ffaec654e69 [ExternalMethodFrame: 0000006cf777e238]  5 。。。。。。(省略了)  6 0000006CF777E9A0 00007FF996FC1B34 ExampleCore_3_1_8.Program.Main(System.String[])  7     PARAMETERS:  8         args (0x0000006CF777EA40) = 0x0000023e84c08ea0  9     LOCALS: 10         0x0000006CF777EA28 = 0x0000023e84c09c98 11         0x0000006CF777EA00 = 0x0000000000000000

                    0x0000023e84c09c98 红色标注的就是 Person 类型的局部变量 person 的地址,我们使用【!dumpobj 0x0000023e84c09c98】查看一下它的详情。

 1 0:000> !dumpobj 0x0000023e84c09c98  2 Name:        ExampleCore_3_1_8.Person  3 MethodTable: 00007ff997079480  4 EEClass:     00007ff997082008  5 Tracked Type: false  6 Size:        40(0x28) bytes  7 File:        E:Visual Studio 2022...ExampleCore_3_1_8binDebugnet8.0ExampleCore_3_1_8.dll  8 Fields:  9               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 10 00007ff996f31188  4000001       18         System.Int32  1 instance               32 <Age>k__BackingField 11 00007ff996faec08  4000002        8        System.String  0 instance 0000027f16be0500 <Name>k__BackingField 12 00007ff99707d9a0  4000003       10 ...ore_3_1_8.Address  0 instance 0000023e84c09cc0 <HomeAddress>k__BackingField

                      红色标注就是它的大小。我们再使用【!ObjSize 0x0000023e84c09c98】命令查看一下它的大小。

1 0:000> !ObjSize 0x0000023e84c09c98 2 sizeof(0000023E84C09C98) = 320 (0x140) bytes (ExampleCore_3_1_8.Person)

                      【!objsize】命令在【NTSD】调试器模式下,如果没有指定任何地址,它会输出当前进程中所有托管线程上的所有托管对象的大小。Windbg Preview 执行错误:ystem.ArgumentException: Could not parse target object address: 0

 1 0:000> !ObjSize  2 Thread 2798 ([ExternalMethodFrame: 0000006cf777e238] ): 0000006cf777e810 -> 0000023e84c0b148: 4120 (0x1018) bytes (System.Byte[])  3 Thread 2798 ([ExternalMethodFrame: 0000006cf777e238] ): 0000006cf777e818 -> 0000027f16be0a90: 32 (0x20) bytes (System.String)  4 Thread 2798 (System.Text.DecoderDBCS.GetChars(Byte[], Int32, Int32, Char[], Int32, Boolean) [/_/src/libraries/Common/src/System/Text/DBCSDecoder.cs @ 130]): rbp: 0000023e84c0b0b8: 232 (0xe8) bytes (System.Text.DecoderDBCS)  5 Thread 2798 (System.Text.DecoderDBCS.GetChars(Byte[], Int32, Int32, Char[], Int32, Boolean) [/_/src/libraries/Common/src/System/Text/DBCSDecoder.cs @ 130]): rsi: 0000023e84c0b148: 4120 (0x1018) bytes (System.Byte[])  6 Thread 2798 (System.Text.DecoderDBCS.GetChars(Byte[], Int32, Int32, Char[], Int32, Boolean) [/_/src/libraries/Common/src/System/Text/DBCSDecoder.cs @ 130]): r15: 0000023e84c0c178: 32792 (0x8018) bytes (System.Char[])  7 Thread 2798 (System.IO.StreamReader.ReadBuffer() [/_/src/libraries/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/IO/StreamReader.cs @ 604]): rbx: 0000023e84c0b058: 37416 (0x9228) bytes (System.IO.StreamReader)  8 Thread 2798 (System.IO.StreamReader.Read() [/_/src/libraries/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/IO/StreamReader.cs @ 338]): rbx: 0000023e84c0b058: 37416 (0x9228) bytes (System.IO.StreamReader)  9 Thread 2798 (System.IO.SyncTextReader.Read() [/_/src/libraries/System.Console/src/System/IO/SyncTextReader.cs @ 53]): rbp+10: 0000006cf777e970 -> 0000023e84c14190: 37440 (0x9240) bytes (System.IO.SyncTextReader) 10 Thread 2798 (ExampleCore_3_1_8.Program.Main(System.String[]) [E:Visual Studio 2022...ExampleCore_3_1_8Program.cs @ 13]): rbp-58: 0000006cf777e9d8 -> 0000006cf777ea00 (interior): 0 (0x0) bytes (unknown type) 11 Thread 2798 (ExampleCore_3_1_8.Program.Main(System.String[]) [E:Visual Studio 2022...ExampleCore_3_1_8Program.cs @ 13]): rbp-48: 0000006cf777e9e8 -> 0000006cf777ea00 (interior): 0 (0x0) bytes (unknown type) 12 Thread 2798 (ExampleCore_3_1_8.Program.Main(System.String[]) [E:Visual Studio 2022...ExampleCore_3_1_8Program.cs @ 13]): rbp-68: 0000006cf777e9c8 -> 0000023e84c0a9d8: 120 (0x78) bytes (System.String) 13 Thread 2798 (ExampleCore_3_1_8.Program.Main(System.String[]) [E:Visual Studio 2022...ExampleCore_3_1_8Program.cs @ 13]): rbp-60: 0000006cf777e9d0 -> 0000023e84c09cc0: 232 (0xe8) bytes (ExampleCore_3_1_8.Address) 14 Thread 2798 (ExampleCore_3_1_8.Program.Main(System.String[]) [E:Visual Studio 2022...ExampleCore_3_1_8Program.cs @ 13]): rbp-50: 0000006cf777e9e0 -> 0000027f16be0500: 48 (0x30) bytes (System.String) 15 Thread 2798 (ExampleCore_3_1_8.Program.Main(System.String[]) [E:Visual Studio 2022...ExampleCore_3_1_8Program.cs @ 13]): rbp-40: 0000006cf777e9f0 -> 0000023e84c09cc0: 232 (0xe8) bytes (ExampleCore_3_1_8.Address) 16 Thread 2798 (ExampleCore_3_1_8.Program.Main(System.String[]) [E:Visual Studio 2022...ExampleCore_3_1_8Program.cs @ 13]): rbp-38: 0000006cf777e9f8 -> 0000023e84c09c98: 320 (0x140) bytes (ExampleCore_3_1_8.Person) 17 Thread 2798 (ExampleCore_3_1_8.Program.Main(System.String[]) [E:Visual Studio 2022...ExampleCore_3_1_8Program.cs @ 13]): rbp-8: 0000006cf777ea28 -> 0000023e84c09c98: 320 (0x140) bytes (ExampleCore_3_1_8.Person) 18 Thread 2798 (ExampleCore_3_1_8.Program.Main(System.String[]) [E:Visual Studio 2022...ExampleCore_3_1_8Program.cs @ 13]): rbp+10: 0000006cf777ea40 -> 0000023e84c08ea0: 24 (0x18) bytes (System.String[]) 19 Failed to enumerate GC references. 20 Failed to walk thread 31d4 21 Handle (strong): 0000023E804A1378 -> 0000023E84C0A2D8: 1024 (0x400) bytes (System.Object[]) 22 Handle (strong): 0000023E804A1380 -> 0000023E84C0A228: 176 (0xb0) bytes (System.Object[]) 23 Handle (strong): 0000023E804A1388 -> 0000023E84C0A180: 88 (0x58) bytes (System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventPipeEventProvider) 24 Handle (strong): 0000023E804A1390 -> 0000023E84C0A0D0: 112 (0x70) bytes (System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EtwEventProvider) 25 Handle (strong): 0000023E804A1398 -> 0000023E82402020: 8232 (0x2028) bytes (System.Object[]) 26 Handle (strong): 0000023E804A13A0 -> 0000023E84C092F0: 88 (0x58) bytes (System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventPipeEventProvider) 27 Handle (strong): 0000023E804A13A8 -> 0000023E84C095B8: 88 (0x58) bytes (System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventPipeEventProvider) 28 Handle (strong): 0000023E804A13B0 -> 0000023E84C09508: 112 (0x70) bytes (System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EtwEventProvider) 29 Handle (strong): 0000023E804A13B8 -> 0000023E84C09240: 112 (0x70) bytes (System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EtwEventProvider) 30 Handle (strong): 0000023E804A13C8 -> 0000023E84C00188: 128 (0x80) bytes (System.ExecutionEngineException) 31 Handle (strong): 0000023E804A13D0 -> 0000023E84C00108: 128 (0x80) bytes (System.StackOverflowException) 32 Handle (strong): 0000023E804A13D8 -> 0000023E84C00088: 128 (0x80) bytes (System.OutOfMemoryException) 33 Handle (strong): 0000023E804A13E0 -> 0000023E84C00028: 96 (0x60) bytes (System.Int32[]) 34 Handle (strong): 0000023E804A13E8 -> 0000023E82400028: 87704 (0x15698) bytes (System.Object[]) 35 Handle (pinned): 0000023E804A15F8 -> 0000023E84C00208: 24 (0x18) bytes (System.Object)

                2)、Windbg Preview 调试
                    编译项目,打开 Windbg,点击【文件】----》【launch executable】附加程序,打开调试器的界面,程序已经处于中断状态。我们使用【g】命令,继续运行程序,直到我们的控制台程序输出:名称:PatrickLiu,地址:China-冀州-直隶总督府-广平大街23号-213339,我们的调试器也处于卡住的状态。此时点击【break】按钮,就可以调试程序了。

1 0:007> ~0s 2 ntdll!NtReadFile+0x14: 3 00007ffa`eeaeae54 c3              ret

                    我们执行命令【!clrstack -a】查看托管线程栈。

 1 0:000> !clrstack -a  2 OS Thread Id: 0x3cf8 (0)  3         Child SP               IP Call Site  4 000000CD8377E2C0 00007ffaeeaeae54 [InlinedCallFrame: 000000cd8377e2c0]   5 000000CD8377E2C0 00007ffa2d8276eb [InlinedCallFrame: 000000cd8377e2c0]   6 。。。。。。(省略了)  7   8 000000CD8377E590 00007ff997991b34 ExampleCore_3_1_8.Program.Main(System.String[]) [E:Visual Studio...ExampleCore_3_1_8Program.cs @ 13]  9     PARAMETERS: 10         args (0x000000CD8377E630) = 0x0000024827408ea0 11     LOCALS: 12         0x000000CD8377E618 = 0x0000024827409c98 13         0x000000CD8377E5F0 = 0x0000000000000000

                    0x0000024827409c98 红色标注的就是 Person 类型的局部变量 person 的地址。我们可以使用【!dumpobj 0x0000024827409c98】命令查看这个对象的大小。

 1 0:000> !dumpobj 0x0000024827409c98  2 Name:        ExampleCore_3_1_8.Person  3 MethodTable: 00007ff997a49480  4 EEClass:     00007ff997a52008  5 Tracked Type: false  6 Size:        40(0x28) bytes(这里就是大小)  7 File:        E:Visual Studio 2022...ExampleCore_3_1_8binDebugnet8.0ExampleCore_3_1_8.dll  8 Fields:  9               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 10 00007ff997901188  4000001       18         System.Int32  1 instance               32 <Age>k__BackingField 11 00007ff99797ec08  4000002        8        System.String  0 instance 00000288b93b0500 <Name>k__BackingField 12 00007ff997a4d9a0  4000003       10 ...ore_3_1_8.Address  0 instance 0000024827409cc0 <HomeAddress>k__BackingField

                    我们使用【!objsize 0x0000024827409c98】这个命令看看它的大小。

 1 0:000> !objsize 0x0000024827409c98  2 Objects which 24827409c98(ExampleCore_3_1_8.Person) transitively keep alive:  3   4          Address               MT           Size  5     024827409c98     7ff997a49480             40   6     0288b93b0500     7ff99797ec08             42   7     024827409cc0     7ff997a4d9a0             56   8     0288b93b0530     7ff99797ec08             32   9     0288b93b0550     7ff99797ec08             26  10     0288b93b0570     7ff99797ec08             32  11     0288b93b0590     7ff99797ec08             36  12     0288b93b05b8     7ff99797ec08             34  13  14 Statistics: 15           MT Count TotalSize Class Name 16 7ff997a49480     1        40 ExampleCore_3_1_8.Person 17 7ff997a4d9a0     1        56 ExampleCore_3_1_8.Address 18 7ff99797ec08     6       202 System.String 19 Total 8 objects, 298 bytes

                    这个结果还是很详细的。我们看到了【!objsize】命令得到的是 298 bytes,而【!dumpobj】得到的大小是 40 bytes,这个差别还是挺大的。

                Windows 的异常模型采用的是结构化异常处理(Structured Exception Handling,SEH)。同样,.NET异常模型也是构建在 Windows SEH模型之上的,并提供了基于对象的异常模型。CLR 在每个异常内携带的额外信息都被保存到托管堆上。所有 CLR 异常都以 SEH 异常的形式出现,错误码是:0xe0434352。既然所有的异常的错误码都是 0xe0434352,我们是如何区分异常的不同的呢?答案就是依靠异常中保存的扩展信息。(说明,原书错误码是:0xe0434f4d,平台是 .NET Framework,我的错误码是:0xe0434352,平台是.NET 8.0)
                Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)
                在 CLR 看来,异常也是一种引用类型,所以也可以使用【!dumpobj】命令输出它的信息。这个命令有些繁琐,如果我们只希望显示异常的类型、栈回溯(包括内部栈回溯)以及信息,我们就可以使用【printexception】命令。这个命令的参数托管异常的地址。当然,我们在分析异常时,【threads】命令也会经常用得到,它能显示出系统中各个托管线程的信息,包括该线程抛出的最后一个异常。
                !StopOnException [-derived] [-create|-create2] <Exception> [<Pseudo-register number>],create 和 create2 这两个开关控制着断点是在第一次出现指定的异常时触发,还是第二次出现时触发。derived 开关会增加断点的范围,不仅包含指定的异常,而且还包括从指定异常派生的任意异常。pseudo-register 是可选的,表示命令将使用哪个伪寄存器设置断点,如果没有指定伪寄存器,默认是 $t1。
                  !StopOnException -create System.ArgumentException,表示当第一次抛出 System.ArgumentException 异常时设置断点。
                  !StopOnException -derived System.Exception ,表示对从 System.Exception 派生下来的任意异常都设置一个断点。

                1)、NTSD 调试
                    编译项目,打开【Visual Studio 2022 Developer Command Prompt v17.9.2】命令行工具,输入命令【NTSD E:Visual Studio 2022SourceProjectsAdvancedDebug.NetFramework.TestExampleCore_3_1_6binDebugnet8.0ExampleCore_3_1_6.exe】。
                    Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)

                    Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)

                    Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)


0:000> kb RetAddr               : Args to Child                                                           : Call Site 00007ffb`00a9ca6f     : 000001b8`72c0aca8 0000002c`9517e710 0000002c`9517ea00 00007ffb`00a7bbb4 : KERNELBASE!RaiseException+0x69 00007ffb`00a9c129     : 00000000`70000185 00007ffb`00d961c8 0000002c`9517eb88 0000002c`9517ed28 : coreclr!RaiseTheExceptionInternalOnly+0x26b 00007ffa`a0fc2416     : 000001b8`72c0aca8 000001f9`04c913c8 000001b8`700fa1e8 00000000`00000040 : coreclr!IL_Throw+0xb9 00007ffa`a0fc1afd     : 000001b8`72c09ce0 00000000`00000000 000001b8`6e7af410 000001b8`72c09c38 : 0x00007ffa`a0fc2416 00007ffb`00b2a1a3     : 000001b8`72c08ea0 0000002c`9517f128 0000002c`9517f128 0000002c`9517ed19 : 0x00007ffa`a0fc1afd 00007ffb`00ab14c9     : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000130 0000002c`9517ed28 00007ffb`009da456 : coreclr!CallDescrWorkerInternal+0x83 (Inline Function)     : --------`-------- --------`-------- --------`-------- --------`-------- : coreclr!CallDescrWorkerWithHandler+0x56 00007ffb`009d75ac     : 0000002c`9517eda8 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000048 00007ffb`00ac28a6 : coreclr!MethodDescCallSite::CallTargetWorker+0x2a1 (Inline Function)     : --------`-------- --------`-------- --------`-------- --------`-------- : coreclr!MethodDescCallSite::Call+0xb 00007ffb`009d6f7a     : 000001b8`72c08ea0 000001b8`72c08ea0 00000000`00000000 0000002c`9517f128 : coreclr!RunMainInternal+0x11c 00007ffb`009d6b17     : 000001b8`6e7af410 000001b8`00000000 000001b8`6e7af410 00000000`00000000 : coreclr!RunMain+0xd2 00007ffb`009d7321     : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000130 : coreclr!Assembly::ExecuteMainMethod+0x1bf 00007ffb`00ae7768     : 00000000`00000001 0000002c`9517f301 0000002c`9517f350 00007ffb`86ff23ea : coreclr!CorHost2::ExecuteAssembly+0x281 00007ffb`87012c36     : 000001b8`6e780fd0 000001b8`6e780310 00000000`00000000 000001b8`6e780310 : coreclr!coreclr_execute_assembly+0xd8 (Inline Function)     : --------`-------- --------`-------- --------`-------- --------`-------- : hostpolicy!coreclr_t::execute_assembly+0x2a 00007ffb`87012f1c     : 000001b8`6e76bcc8 0000002c`9517f579 00007ffb`8704c9c0 000001b8`6e76bcc8 : hostpolicy!run_app_for_context+0x596 00007ffb`8701385a     : 00000000`00000000 000001b8`6e76bcc0 000001b8`6e76bcc0 00000000`00000000 : hostpolicy!run_app+0x3c 00007ffb`b3e2b5c9     : 000001b8`6e77f438 000001b8`6e77f320 00000000`00000000 0000002c`9517f679 : hostpolicy!corehost_main+0x15a 00007ffb`b3e2e066     : 000001b8`6e77e330 0000002c`9517fa00 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : hostfxr!execute_app+0x2e9 00007ffb`b3e302ec     : 00007ffb`b3e625f8 000001b8`6e77cb40 0000002c`9517f940 0000002c`9517f8f0 : hostfxr!`anonymous namespace'::read_config_and_execute+0xa6 00007ffb`b3e2e644     : 0000002c`9517fa00 0000002c`9517fa20 0000002c`9517f971 000001b8`6e77cf60 : hostfxr!fx_muxer_t::handle_exec_host_command+0x16c 00007ffb`b3e285a0     : 0000002c`9517fa20 000001b8`6e77c440 00000000`00000001 000001b8`6e760000 : hostfxr!fx_muxer_t::execute+0x494 *** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for apphost.exe 00007ff6`5faef998     : 00007ffb`d241f4e8 00007ffb`b3e29b10 0000002c`9517fbc0 000001b8`6e77c130 : hostfxr!hostfxr_main_startupinfo+0xa0 00007ff6`5faefda6     : 00007ff6`5fafb6c0 00000000`00000007 000001b8`6e76bcc0 00000000`0000005e : apphost!exe_start+0x878 00007ff6`5faf12e8     : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 000001b8`6e76bcc0 00000000`00000000 : apphost!wmain+0x146 (Inline Function)     : --------`-------- --------`-------- --------`-------- --------`-------- : apphost!invoke_main+0x22 00007ffb`d33f6fd4     : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : apphost!__scrt_common_main_seh+0x10c 00007ffb`d4b7cec1     : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x14 00000000`00000000     : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21 0:000>

                     接下来,我们找到 KERNELBASE!RaiseException 函数(000001b8`72c0aca8)的第一个参数,在该地址上执行【!dumpobj】命令,查看异常详情。

 1 0:000> !DumpObj 000001b8`72c0aca8  2 Name:        System.ArgumentException  3 MethodTable: 00007ffaa10467b0  4 EEClass:     00007ffaa0f8cdf8  5 Tracked Type: false  6 Size:        136(0x88) bytes  7 File:        C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll  8 Fields:  9               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 10 0000000000000000  4000264        8 ...ection.MethodBase  0 instance 0000000000000000 _exceptionMethod 11 00007ffaa0faec08  4000265       10        System.String  0 instance 000001f904c913c8 _message 12 00007ffaa1043060  4000266       18 ...tions.IDictionary  0 instance 0000000000000000 _data 13 00007ffaa1040820  4000267       20     System.Exception  0 instance 0000000000000000 _innerException 14 00007ffaa0faec08  4000268       28        System.String  0 instance 0000000000000000 _helpURL 15 00007ffaa10aa858  4000269       30        System.Byte[]  0 instance 000001b872c0ad78 _stackTrace 16 00007ffaa10aa858  400026a       38        System.Byte[]  0 instance 0000000000000000 _watsonBuckets 17 00007ffaa0faec08  400026b       40        System.String  0 instance 0000000000000000 _stackTraceString 18 00007ffaa0faec08  400026c       48        System.String  0 instance 0000000000000000 _remoteStackTraceString 19 00007ffaa0efc4d8  400026d       50      System.Object[]  0 instance 0000000000000000 _dynamicMethods 20 00007ffaa0faec08  400026e       58        System.String  0 instance 0000000000000000 _source 21 00007ffaa0fa8b78  400026f       60       System.UIntPtr  1 instance 00007FFAA0FC2415 _ipForWatsonBuckets 22 00007ffaa0fa70a0  4000270       68        System.IntPtr  1 instance 0000000000000000 _xptrs 23 00007ffaa0f31188  4000271       70         System.Int32  1 instance       -532462766 _xcode 24 00007ffaa0f31188  4000272       74         System.Int32  1 instance      -2147024809 _HResult 25 00007ffaa0faec08  4000383       78        System.String  0 instance 0000000000000000 _paramName 26 0:000>

                    以上就是异常的详情,如果我们想查看具体提示消息,可以针对 _message 域的地址 000001f904c913c8 再次执行【!DumpObj】命令。

 1 0:000> !dumpobj 000001f904c913c8  2 Name:        System.String  3 MethodTable: 00007ffaa0faec08  4 EEClass:     00007ffaa0f8a500  5 Tracked Type: false  6 Size:        58(0x3a) bytes  7 File:        C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll  8 String:      Obj cannot be null  9 Fields: 10               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 11 00007ffaa0f31188  400033b        8         System.Int32  1 instance               18 _stringLength 12 00007ffaa0f3b538  400033c        c          System.Char  1 instance               4f _firstChar 13 00007ffaa0faec08  400033a       c8        System.String  0   static 000001f904c90008 Empty


 1 0:000> !PrintException 000001b8`72c0aca8  2 WARNING: SOS needs to be upgraded for this version of the runtime. Some commands may not work correctly.  3 For more information see  4   5 Exception object: 000001b872c0aca8  6 Exception type:   System.ArgumentException  7 Message:          Obj cannot be null  8 InnerException:   <none>  9 StackTrace (generated): 10     SP               IP               Function 11     0000002C9517E9C0 00007FFAA0FC2415 ExampleCore_3_1_6!ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes.ThrowException(ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes)+0x85 12     0000002C9517EA10 00007FFAA0FC1AFC ExampleCore_3_1_6!ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes.Main(System.String[])+0x1cc 13  14 StackTraceString: <none> 15 HResult: 80070057

                    在这里看的很清楚,包括异常的类型(Exception typeSystem.ArgumentException),异常的地址(Exception object: 000001b872c0aca8),异常抛出的方法(ExampleCore_3_1_6!ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes.ThrowException)等。
                    Advanced .Net Debugging 4:基本调试任务(对象检查:内存、值类型、引用类型、数组和异常的转储)


 1 0:000> !threads  2 ThreadCount:      3  3 UnstartedThread:  0  4 BackgroundThread: 2  5 PendingThread:    0  6 DeadThread:       0  7 Hosted Runtime:   no  8                                                                                                             Lock  9  DBG   ID     OSID ThreadOBJ           State GC Mode     GC Alloc Context                  Domain           Count Apt Exception 10    0    1     1190 000001B86E7AF410    2a020 Preemptive  000001B872C0ADF0:000001B872C0C638 000001B86E7F1530 -00001 MTA System.ArgumentException 000001b872c0aca8 11    6    2     3b64 000001B8700EDDA0    21220 Preemptive  0000000000000000:0000000000000000 000001B86E7F1530 -00001 Ukn (Finalizer) 12    7    3     1630 000001B86E7BBF00    2b220 Preemptive  0000000000000000:0000000000000000 000001B86E7F1530 -00001 MTA

                    红色标注的就是 ID 为 1 的托管线程抛出的异常(System.ArgumentException),异常的地址:000001b872c0aca8

                2)、Windbg Preview 调试
                    编译项目,打开 Windbg,点击【文件】----》【launch executable】附加程序,打开调试器的界面,程序已经处于中断状态。我们使用【g】命令,继续运行程序,直到我们的控制台程序抛出一个异常,调试器停止执行。

 1 0:000> g  2 ModLoad: 00007ffb`d4ac0000 00007ffb`d4af0000   C:WindowsSystem32IMM32.DLL  3 ModLoad: 00007ffb`c8d40000 00007ffb`c8d99000   C:Program Filesdotnethostfxr8.0.2hostfxr.dll  4 ModLoad: 00007ffb`c8cd0000 00007ffb`c8d34000   C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2hostpolicy.dll  5 ModLoad: 00007ffa`fcab0000 00007ffa`fcf98000   C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2coreclr.dll  6 ModLoad: 00007ffb`d3b60000 00007ffb`d3c89000   C:WindowsSystem32ole32.dll  7 ModLoad: 00007ffb`d34a0000 00007ffb`d37f4000   C:WindowsSystem32combase.dll  8 ModLoad: 00007ffb`d3200000 00007ffb`d32d5000   C:WindowsSystem32OLEAUT32.dll  9 ModLoad: 00007ffb`d1fc0000 00007ffb`d203f000   C:WindowsSystem32bcryptPrimitives.dll 10 (2e10.1988): Unknown exception - code 04242420 (first chance) 11 ModLoad: 00007ffa`fb810000 00007ffa`fc49c000   C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll 12 ModLoad: 00007ffa`fb650000 00007ffa`fb809000   C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2clrjit.dll 13 ModLoad: 00007ffb`d1f00000 00007ffb`d1f13000   C:WindowsSystem32kernel.appcore.dll 14 ModLoad: 00000293`f6f10000 00000293`f6f18000   E:Visual Studio 2022...ExampleCore_3_1_6binDebugnet8.0ExampleCore_3_1_6.dll 15 ModLoad: 00000293`f6f30000 00000293`f6f3e000   C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Runtime.dll 16 ModLoad: 00007ffb`c8c70000 00007ffb`c8c98000   C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Console.dll 17 ModLoad: 00007ffb`79470000 00007ffb`79482000   C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Threading.dll 18 ModLoad: 00000293`f6f40000 00000293`f6f48000   C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Text.Encoding.Extensions.dll 19 ModLoad: 00007ffb`5dc90000 00007ffb`5dca5000   C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Runtime.InteropServices.dll 20 (2e10.1988): CLR exception - code e0434352 (first chance) 21 (2e10.1988): CLR exception - code e0434352 (!!! second chance !!!) 22 KERNELBASE!RaiseException+0x69: 23 00007ffb`d2563e49 0f1f440000      nop     dword ptr [rax+rax]


 1 0:000> kb  2  # RetAddr               : Args to Child                                                           : Call Site  3 00 00007ffa`fcb7ca6f     : 00000293`fb40aca8 000000d7`0477e1f0 000000d7`0477e4e0 00007ffa`fcb5bbb4 : KERNELBASE!RaiseException+0x69  4 01 00007ffa`fcb7c129     : 00000000`70000185 00007ffa`fce761c8 000000d7`0477e668 000000d7`0477e808 : coreclr!RaiseTheExceptionInternalOnly+0x26b [D:a_work1ssrccoreclrvmexcep.cpp @ 2795]   5 02 00007ffa`9d0a24b6     : 00000293`fb40aca8 000002d4`8d5813c8 00000293`f6fbe1e8 00000000`00000040 : coreclr!IL_Throw+0xb9 [D:a_work1ssrccoreclrvmjithelpers.cpp @ 4247]   6 03 00007ffa`9d0a1afd     : 00000293`fb409ce0 00000000`00000000 00000293`f6fa6280 00000293`fb409c38 : ExampleCore_3_1_6!ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes.ThrowException+0x86 [E:Visual Studio 2022SourceProjectsAdvancedDebug.NetFramework.TestExampleCore_3_1_6Program.cs @ 76]   7 04 00007ffa`fcc0a1a3     : 00000293`fb408ea0 000000d7`0477ec08 000000d7`0477ec08 000000d7`0477e7f9 : ExampleCore_3_1_6!ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes.Main+0x1cd [E:Visual Studio 2022SourceProjectsAdvancedDebug.NetFramework.TestExampleCore_3_1_6Program.cs @ 46]   8 05 00007ffa`fcb914c9     : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000130 000000d7`0477e808 00007ffa`fcaba456 : coreclr!CallDescrWorkerInternal+0x83 [D:a_work1ssrccoreclrvmamd64CallDescrWorkerAMD64.asm @ 100]   9 06 (Inline Function)     : --------`-------- --------`-------- --------`-------- --------`-------- : coreclr!CallDescrWorkerWithHandler+0x56 [D:a_work1ssrccoreclrvmcallhelpers.cpp @ 67]  10 07 00007ffa`fcab75ac     : 000000d7`0477e888 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000048 00007ffa`fcba28a6 : coreclr!MethodDescCallSite::CallTargetWorker+0x2a1 [D:a_work1ssrccoreclrvmcallhelpers.cpp @ 570]  11 08 (Inline Function)     : --------`-------- --------`-------- --------`-------- --------`-------- : coreclr!MethodDescCallSite::Call+0xb [D:a_work1ssrccoreclrvmcallhelpers.h @ 458]  12 09 00007ffa`fcab6f7a     : 00000293`fb408ea0 00000293`fb408ea0 00000000`00000000 000000d7`0477ec08 : coreclr!RunMainInternal+0x11c [D:a_work1ssrccoreclrvmassembly.cpp @ 1304]  13 0a 00007ffa`fcab6b17     : 00000293`f6fa6280 00000293`00000000 00000293`f6fa6280 00000000`00000000 : coreclr!RunMain+0xd2 [D:a_work1ssrccoreclrvmassembly.cpp @ 1375]  14 0b 00007ffa`fcab7321     : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000130 : coreclr!Assembly::ExecuteMainMethod+0x1bf [D:a_work1ssrccoreclrvmassembly.cpp @ 1504]  15 0c 00007ffa`fcbc7768     : 00000000`00000001 000000d7`0477ee01 000000d7`0477ee30 00007ffb`c8cd23ea : coreclr!CorHost2::ExecuteAssembly+0x281 [D:a_work1ssrccoreclrvmcorhost.cpp @ 349]  16 0d 00007ffb`c8cf2c36     : 00000293`f6f7a900 00000293`f6f7a660 00000000`00000000 00000293`f6f7a660 : coreclr!coreclr_execute_assembly+0xd8 [D:a_work1ssrccoreclrdllsmscoreeexports.cpp @ 504]  17 0e (Inline Function)     : --------`-------- --------`-------- --------`-------- --------`-------- : hostpolicy!coreclr_t::execute_assembly+0x2a [D:a_work1ssrcnativecorehosthostpolicycoreclr.cpp @ 109]  18 0f 00007ffb`c8cf2f1c     : 00000293`f6f67da8 000000d7`0477f059 00007ffb`c8d2c9c0 00000293`f6f67da8 : hostpolicy!run_app_for_context+0x596 [D:a_work1ssrcnativecorehosthostpolicyhostpolicy.cpp @ 256]  19 10 00007ffb`c8cf385a     : 00000000`00000000 00000293`f6f67da0 00000293`f6f67da0 00000000`00000000 : hostpolicy!run_app+0x3c [D:a_work1ssrcnativecorehosthostpolicyhostpolicy.cpp @ 285]  20 11 00007ffb`c8d4b5c9     : 00000293`f6f769e8 00000293`f6f768d0 00000000`00000000 000000d7`0477f159 : hostpolicy!corehost_main+0x15a [D:a_work1ssrcnativecorehosthostpolicyhostpolicy.cpp @ 426]  21 12 00007ffb`c8d4e066     : 00000293`f6f77540 000000d7`0477f4e0 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : hostfxr!execute_app+0x2e9 [D:a_work1ssrcnativecorehostfxrfx_muxer.cpp @ 145]  22 13 00007ffb`c8d502ec     : 00007ffb`c8d825f8 00000293`f6f780d0 000000d7`0477f420 000000d7`0477f3d0 : hostfxr!`anonymous namespace'::read_config_and_execute+0xa6 [D:a_work1ssrcnativecorehostfxrfx_muxer.cpp @ 532]  23 14 00007ffb`c8d4e644     : 000000d7`0477f4e0 000000d7`0477f500 000000d7`0477f451 00000293`f6f78401 : hostfxr!fx_muxer_t::handle_exec_host_command+0x16c [D:a_work1ssrcnativecorehostfxrfx_muxer.cpp @ 1007]  24 15 00007ffb`c8d485a0     : 000000d7`0477f500 00000293`f6f76690 00000000`00000001 00000293`f6f60000 : hostfxr!fx_muxer_t::execute+0x494 [D:a_work1ssrcnativecorehostfxrfx_muxer.cpp @ 578]  25 16 00007ff7`6c9ff998     : 00007ffb`d241f4e8 00007ffb`c8d49b10 000000d7`0477f6a0 00000293`f6f76380 : hostfxr!hostfxr_main_startupinfo+0xa0 [D:a_work1ssrcnativecorehostfxrhostfxr.cpp @ 62]  26 17 00007ff7`6c9ffda6     : 00007ff7`6ca0b6c0 00000000`00000007 00000293`f6f67da0 00000000`0000005e : apphost!exe_start+0x878 [D:a_work1ssrcnativecorehostcorehost.cpp @ 240]  27 18 00007ff7`6ca012e8     : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000293`f6f67da0 00000000`00000000 : apphost!wmain+0x146 [D:a_work1ssrcnativecorehostcorehost.cpp @ 311]  28 19 (Inline Function)     : --------`-------- --------`-------- --------`-------- --------`-------- : apphost!invoke_main+0x22 [D:a_work1ssrcvctoolscrtvcstartupsrcstartupexe_common.inl @ 90]  29 1a 00007ffb`d33f6fd4     : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : apphost!__scrt_common_main_seh+0x10c [D:a_work1ssrcvctoolscrtvcstartupsrcstartupexe_common.inl @ 288]  30 1b 00007ffb`d4b7cec1     : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x14 31 1c 00000000`00000000     : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21

                    接下来,找出 KERNELBASE!RaiseException 函数的(000001f8`4c80aca8)第一个参数,并在这个地址上执行【!dumpobj 000001f8`4c80aca8】命令。

 1 0:000> !DumpObj 000001f8`4c80aca8  2 Name:        System.ArgumentException  3 MethodTable: 00007ffaa06e67b0  4 EEClass:     00007ffaa062cdf8  5 Tracked Type: false  6 Size:        136(0x88) bytes  7 File:        C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll  8 Fields:  9               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 10 0000000000000000  4000264        8 ...ection.MethodBase  0 instance 0000000000000000 _exceptionMethod 11 00007ffaa064ec08  4000265       10        System.String  0 instance 00000238deaf13c8 _message 12 00007ffaa06e3060  4000266       18 ...tions.IDictionary  0 instance 0000000000000000 _data 13 00007ffaa06e0820  4000267       20     System.Exception  0 instance 0000000000000000 _innerException 14 00007ffaa064ec08  4000268       28        System.String  0 instance 0000000000000000 _helpURL 15 00007ffaa074a858  4000269       30        System.Byte[]  0 instance 000001f84c80ad78 _stackTrace 16 00007ffaa074a858  400026a       38        System.Byte[]  0 instance 0000000000000000 _watsonBuckets 17 00007ffaa064ec08  400026b       40        System.String  0 instance 0000000000000000 _stackTraceString 18 00007ffaa064ec08  400026c       48        System.String  0 instance 0000000000000000 _remoteStackTraceString 19 00007ffaa059c4d8  400026d       50      System.Object[]  0 instance 0000000000000000 _dynamicMethods 20 00007ffaa064ec08  400026e       58        System.String  0 instance 0000000000000000 _source 21 00007ffaa0648b78  400026f       60       System.UIntPtr  1 instance 00007FFAA0662415 _ipForWatsonBuckets 22 00007ffaa06470a0  4000270       68        System.IntPtr  1 instance 0000000000000000 _xptrs 23 00007ffaa05d1188  4000271       70         System.Int32  1 instance       -532462766 _xcode 24 00007ffaa05d1188  4000272       74         System.Int32  1 instance      -2147024809 _HResult 25 00007ffaa064ec08  4000383       78        System.String  0 instance 0000000000000000 _paramName

                    从【!dumpobj】命令的输出中,我们可以看到托管代码异常的所有信息,包括异常的类型(System.ArgumentException)以及异常相关的所有域。我们可以针对标红的 _message 再次执行【!dumpobj 00000238deaf13c8】命令,查看异常的具体提示信息。

 1 0:000> !dumpobj 00000238deaf13c8  2 Name:        System.String  3 MethodTable: 00007ffaa064ec08  4 EEClass:     00007ffaa062a500  5 Tracked Type: false  6 Size:        58(0x3a) bytes  7 File:        C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll  8 String:      Obj cannot be null  9 Fields: 10               MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr            Value Name 11 00007ffaa05d1188  400033b        8         System.Int32  1 instance               18 _stringLength 12 00007ffaa05db538  400033c        c          System.Char  1 instance               4f _firstChar 13 00007ffaa064ec08  400033a       c8        System.String  0   static 00000238deaf0008 Empty


1 0:000> !DumpObj -nofields 00000238deaf13c8 2 Name:        System.String 3 MethodTable: 00007ffaa064ec08 4 EEClass:     00007ffaa062a500 5 Tracked Type: false 6 Size:        58(0x3a) bytes 7 File:        C:Program FilesdotnetsharedMicrosoft.NETCore.App8.0.2System.Private.CoreLib.dll 8 String:      Obj cannot be null


 1 0:000> !PrintException 000001f8`4c80aca8  2 Exception object: 000001f84c80aca8  3 Exception type:   System.ArgumentException  4 Message:          Obj cannot be null  5 InnerException:   <none>  6 StackTrace (generated):  7     SP               IP               Function  8     0000007BA577E6D0 00007FFAA0662415 ExampleCore_3_1_6!ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes.ThrowException(ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes)+0x85  9     0000007BA577E720 00007FFAA0661AFC ExampleCore_3_1_6!ExampleCore_3_1_6.ObjTypes.Main(System.String[])+0x1cc 10  11 StackTraceString: <none> 12 HResult: 80070057


 1 0:000> !threads  2 ThreadCount:      3  3 UnstartedThread:  0  4 BackgroundThread: 2  5 PendingThread:    0  6 DeadThread:       0  7 Hosted Runtime:   no  8                                                                                                             Lock    9  DBG   ID     OSID ThreadOBJ           State GC Mode     GC Alloc Context                  Domain           Count Apt Exception 10    0    1     379c 000001F8485263D0    2a020 Preemptive  000001F84C80ADF0:000001F84C80C638 000001f848568920 -00001 MTA System.ArgumentException 000001f84c80aca8 11    6    2     10d4 000001F8485D7C40    21220 Preemptive  0000000000000000:0000000000000000 000001f848568920 -00001 Ukn (Finalizer)  12    7    3     3204 000001F8485346F0    2b220 Preemptive  0000000000000000:0000000000000000 000001f848568920 -00001 MTA  13  14  15 0:000> !t 16 ThreadCount:      3 17 UnstartedThread:  0 18 BackgroundThread: 2 19 PendingThread:    0 20 DeadThread:       0 21 Hosted Runtime:   no 22                                                                                                             Lock   23  DBG   ID     OSID ThreadOBJ           State GC Mode     GC Alloc Context                  Domain           Count Apt Exception 24    0    1     379c 000001F8485263D0    2a020 Preemptive  000001F84C80ADF0:000001F84C80C638 000001f848568920 -00001 MTA System.ArgumentException 000001f84c80aca8 25    6    2     10d4 000001F8485D7C40    21220 Preemptive  0000000000000000:0000000000000000 000001f848568920 -00001 Ukn (Finalizer)  26    7    3     3204 000001F8485346F0    2b220 Preemptive  0000000000000000:0000000000000000 000001f848568920 -00001 MTA 

                    我们看到了 ID 为 1 的线程抛出一个类型为 System.ArgumentException 异常,异常的地址:000001f84c80aca8 ,我们可以针对这个地址使用【!DumpObj】或者【!PrintException】命令查看异常的详情。

    这篇文章的第二部分终于写完了,考虑到内容太多,分多篇写作了。只有所有代码自己都写了,都测试了,才会明白里面发生的事情。Net 高级调试这条路,也刚刚起步,还有很多要学的地方。皇天不负有心人,努力,不辜负自己,我相信付出就有回报,再者说,学习的过程,有时候,虽然很痛苦,但是,学有所成,学有所懂,这个开心的感觉还是不可言喻的。不忘初心,继续努力。做自己喜欢做的,开心就好。