
  • 使用c#实现23种常见的设计模式已关闭评论
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  • 创建型模式

  • 结构型模式

  • 行为型模式。




1. 单例模式(Singleton)

public sealed class Singleton {     //创建一个只读的静态Singleton实例     private static readonly Singleton instance = new Singleton();      // 记录Singleton的创建次数     private static int instanceCounter = 0;      // 单例实例的公共访问点     public static Singleton Instance     {         get         {             return instance;         }     }      // 私有构造函数     private Singleton()     {         instanceCounter++;         Console.WriteLine("Instances Created " + instanceCounter);     }      // 在此处添加其他的Singleton类方法     public void LogMessage(string message)     {         Console.WriteLine("Message: " + message);     } }  



class Program {     static void Main(string[] args)     {         Singleton fromEmployee = Singleton.Instance;         fromEmployee.LogMessage("Message from Employee");          Singleton fromBoss = Singleton.Instance;         fromBoss.LogMessage("Message from Boss");         Console.ReadLine();     } }  

2. 工厂方法模式(Factory Method)



// 抽象产品 public interface IProduct {     string Operation(); }  // 具体产品A public class ProductA : IProduct {     public string Operation()     {         return "{Result of ProductA}";     } }  // 具体产品B public class ProductB : IProduct {     public string Operation()     {         return "{Result of ProductB}";     } }  // 抽象创建者 public abstract class Creator {     public abstract IProduct FactoryMethod(); }  // 具体创建者A public class CreatorA : Creator {     public override IProduct FactoryMethod()     {         return new ProductA();     } }  // 具体创建者B public class CreatorB : Creator {     public override IProduct FactoryMethod()     {         return new ProductB();     } }  



class Program {     static void Main(string[] args)     {         // 创建工厂对象         Creator creatorA = new CreatorA();         Creator creatorB = new CreatorB();          // 通过工厂方法创建产品对象         IProduct productA = creatorA.FactoryMethod();         IProduct productB = creatorB.FactoryMethod();          // 打印结果         Console.WriteLine("ProductA says: " + productA.Operation());         Console.WriteLine("ProductB says: " + productB.Operation());          Console.ReadLine();     } }  


3. 抽象工厂模式(Abstract Factory)



// 抽象产品:动物 public interface IAnimal {     string Speak(); }  // 具体产品:狗 public class Dog : IAnimal {     public string Speak()     {         return "Bark Bark";     } }  // 具体产品:猫 public class Cat : IAnimal {     public string Speak()     {         return "Meow Meow";     } }  // 抽象工厂 public abstract class IAnimalFactory {     public abstract IAnimal CreateAnimal(); }  // 具体工厂:狗工厂 public class DogFactory : IAnimalFactory {     public override IAnimal CreateAnimal()     {         return new Dog();     } }  // 具体工厂:猫工厂 public class CatFactory : IAnimalFactory {     public override IAnimal CreateAnimal()     {         return new Cat();     } }  



class Program {     static void Main(string[] args)     {         // 创建工厂         IAnimalFactory dogFactory = new DogFactory();         IAnimalFactory catFactory = new CatFactory();          // 使用工厂创建产品         IAnimal dog = dogFactory.CreateAnimal();         IAnimal cat = catFactory.CreateAnimal();          // 打印结果         Console.WriteLine("Dog says: " + dog.Speak());         Console.WriteLine("Cat says: " + cat.Speak());          Console.ReadLine();     } }  


4. 建造者模式(Builder)



// 产品 public class Car {     public string Engine { get; set; }     public string Wheels { get; set; }     public string Doors { get; set; } }  // 建造者抽象类 public abstract class CarBuilder {     protected Car car;      public void CreateNewCar()     {         car = new Car();     }      public Car GetCar()     {         return car;     }      public abstract void SetEngine();     public abstract void SetWheels();     public abstract void SetDoors(); }  // 具体建造者 public class FerrariBuilder : CarBuilder {     public override void SetEngine()     {         car.Engine = "V8";     }      public override void SetWheels()     {         car.Wheels = "18 inch";     }      public override void SetDoors()     {         car.Doors = "2";     } }  // 指挥者 public class Director {     public Car Construct(CarBuilder carBuilder)     {         carBuilder.CreateNewCar();         carBuilder.SetEngine();         carBuilder.SetWheels();         carBuilder.SetDoors();         return carBuilder.GetCar();     } }  



class Program {     static void Main(string[] args)     {         Director director = new Director();         CarBuilder builder = new FerrariBuilder();         Car ferrari = director.Construct(builder);          Console.WriteLine($"Engine: {ferrari.Engine}, Wheels: {ferrari.Wheels}, Doors: {ferrari.Doors}");         Console.ReadLine();     } }  


5. 原型模式(Prototype)



// 抽象原型 public interface IPrototype {     IPrototype Clone(); }  // 具体原型 public class ConcretePrototype : IPrototype {     public string Name { get; set; }     public int Value { get; set; }      public IPrototype Clone()     {         // 实现深拷贝         return (ConcretePrototype)this.MemberwiseClone(); // Clones the concrete object.     } }  



class Program {     static void Main(string[] args)     {         ConcretePrototype prototype = new ConcretePrototype();         prototype.Name = "Original";         prototype.Value = 10;          Console.WriteLine("Original instance: " + prototype.Name + ", " + prototype.Value);          ConcretePrototype clone = (ConcretePrototype)prototype.Clone();         Console.WriteLine("Cloned instance: " + clone.Name + ", " + clone.Value);          Console.ReadLine();     } }  



  1. 创建一个具体的原型对象,为其属性赋值。
  2. 调用原型对象的Clone方法,创建一个新的对象,该对象的属性与原型对象的属性相同。
  3. 打印原型对象和克隆对象的属性,验证它们是否相同。

结构型模式: 6. 适配器模式(Adapter)

1. 桥接模式(Bridge)



// 实现类接口 public interface IImplementor {     void OperationImp(); }  // 具体实现类A public class ConcreteImplementorA : IImplementor {     public void OperationImp()     {         Console.WriteLine("Concrete Implementor A");     } }  // 具体实现类B public class ConcreteImplementorB : IImplementor {     public void OperationImp()     {         Console.WriteLine("Concrete Implementor B");     } }  // 抽象类 public abstract class Abstraction {     protected IImplementor implementor;      public Abstraction(IImplementor implementor)     {         this.implementor = implementor;     }      public virtual void Operation()     {         implementor.OperationImp();     } }  // 扩充的抽象类 public class RefinedAbstraction : Abstraction {     public RefinedAbstraction(IImplementor implementor) : base(implementor) { }      public override void Operation()     {         Console.WriteLine("Refined Abstraction is calling implementor's method:");         base.Operation();     } }  



class Program {     static void Main(string[] args)     {         IImplementor implementorA = new ConcreteImplementorA();         Abstraction abstractionA = new RefinedAbstraction(implementorA);         abstractionA.Operation();          IImplementor implementorB = new ConcreteImplementorB();         Abstraction abstractionB = new RefinedAbstraction(implementorB);         abstractionB.Operation();          Console.ReadLine();     } }  



  1. 创建实现类的实例。
  2. 创建抽象类的实例,抽象类的实例有一个实现类的实例。
  3. 调用抽象类的Operation方法,该方法会调用实现类的OperationImp方法。

2. 组合模式(Composite)

组合模式(Composite pattern)是一种结构型设计模式,它可以使你将对象组合成树形结构,并且能像使用独立对象一样使用它们。这种模式的主要目的是使单个对象和组合对象具有一致性。


// 抽象组件类 public abstract class Component {     protected string name;      public Component(string name)     {         this.name = name;     }      public abstract void Add(Component c);     public abstract void Remove(Component c);     public abstract void Display(int depth); }  // 叶节点类 public class Leaf : Component {     public Leaf(string name) : base(name) { }      public override void Add(Component c)     {         Console.WriteLine("Cannot add to a leaf");     }      public override void Remove(Component c)     {         Console.WriteLine("Cannot remove from a leaf");     }      public override void Display(int depth)     {         Console.WriteLine(new String('-', depth) + name);     } }  // 构件容器类 public class Composite : Component {     private List<Component> _children = new List<Component>();      public Composite(string name) : base(name) { }      public override void Add(Component component)     {         _children.Add(component);     }      public override void Remove(Component component)     {         _children.Remove(component);     }      public override void Display(int depth)     {         Console.WriteLine(new String('-', depth) + name);          // 显示每个节点的子节点         foreach (Component component in _children)         {             component.Display(depth + 2);         }     } }  



class Program {     static void Main(string[] args)     {         Composite root = new Composite("root");         root.Add(new Leaf("Leaf A"));         root.Add(new Leaf("Leaf B"));          Composite comp = new Composite("Composite X");         comp.Add(new Leaf("Leaf XA"));         comp.Add(new Leaf("Leaf XB"));          root.Add(comp);          Composite comp2 = new Composite("Composite XY");         comp2.Add(new Leaf("Leaf XYA"));         comp2.Add(new Leaf("Leaf XYB"));          comp.Add(comp2);          root.Add(new Leaf("Leaf C"));          // 在组合中添加和删除         Leaf leaf = new Leaf("Leaf D");         root.Add(leaf);         root.Remove(leaf);          // 显示树形结构         root.Display(1);          Console.ReadLine();     } }  



  1. 创建组合和叶子对象。
  2. 通过调用组合对象的Add方法将叶子对象和其他组合对象添加到组合对象中。
  3. 通过调用组合对象的Remove方法将叶子对象从组合对象中移除。
  4. 调用组合对象的Display方法显示组合对象的结构。

3. 装饰模式(Decorator)



// 抽象组件 public abstract class Component {     public abstract string Operation(); }  // 具体组件 public class ConcreteComponent : Component {     public override string Operation()     {         return "ConcreteComponent";     } }  // 抽象装饰器 public abstract class Decorator : Component {     protected Component component;      public Decorator(Component component)     {         this.component = component;     }      public override string Operation()     {         if (component != null)         {             return component.Operation();         }         else         {             return string.Empty;         }     } }  // 具体装饰器A public class ConcreteDecoratorA : Decorator {     public ConcreteDecoratorA(Component comp) : base(comp) { }      public override string Operation()     {         return $"ConcreteDecoratorA({base.Operation()})";     } }  // 具体装饰器B public class ConcreteDecoratorB : Decorator {     public ConcreteDecoratorB(Component comp) : base(comp) { }      public override string Operation()     {         return $"ConcreteDecoratorB({base.Operation()})";     } }  



class Program {     static void Main(string[] args)     {         // 基本组件         Component component = new ConcreteComponent();         Console.WriteLine("Basic Component: " + component.Operation());          // 装饰后的组件         Component decoratorA = new ConcreteDecoratorA(component);         Console.WriteLine("A Decorated: " + decoratorA.Operation());          Component decoratorB = new ConcreteDecoratorB(decoratorA);         Console.WriteLine("B Decorated: " + decoratorB.Operation());          Console.ReadLine();     } }  



  1. 创建一个具体组件对象并调用其操作。
  2. 创建一个装饰器对象,该对象装饰了具体组件,并调用其操作。在操作中,装饰器首先调用具体组件的操作,然后执行额外的操作。
  3. 创建另一个装饰器对象,装饰前一个装饰器,并调用其操作。在操作中,这个装饰器首先调用前一个装饰器的操作,然后执行额外的操作。

4. 外观模式(Facade)



// 子系统A public class SubSystemA {     public string OperationA()     {         return "SubSystemA, OperationAn";     } }  // 子系统B public class SubSystemB {     public string OperationB()     {         return "SubSystemB, OperationBn";     } }  // 子系统C public class SubSystemC {     public string OperationC()     {         return "SubSystemC, OperationCn";     } }  // 外观类 public class Facade {     private SubSystemA a = new SubSystemA();     private SubSystemB b = new SubSystemB();     private SubSystemC c = new SubSystemC();      public string OperationWrapper()     {         string result = "Facade initializes subsystems:n";         result += a.OperationA();         result += b.OperationB();         result += c.OperationC();         return result;     } }  



class Program {     static void Main(string[] args)     {         Facade facade = new Facade();         Console.WriteLine(facade.OperationWrapper());          Console.ReadLine();     } }  



  1. 创建一个外观对象。

  2. 通过调用外观对象的方法,间接地操作子系统。

  3. 子系统的操作被封装在外观对象的方法中,客户端不需要直接操作子系统。

5. 享元模式(Flyweight)

享元模式(Flyweight Pattern)是一种结构型设计模式,该模式主要用于减少创建对象的数量,以减少内存占用和提高性能。这种类型的设计模式属于结构型模式,它提供了一种减少对象数量从而改善应用所需的对象结构的方式。


// 享元类 public class Flyweight {     private string intrinsicState;      // 构造函数     public Flyweight(string intrinsicState)     {         this.intrinsicState = intrinsicState;     }      // 业务方法     public void Operation(string extrinsicState)     {         Console.WriteLine($"Intrinsic State = {intrinsicState}, Extrinsic State = {extrinsicState}");     } }  // 享元工厂类 public class FlyweightFactory {     private Dictionary<string, Flyweight> flyweights = new Dictionary<string, Flyweight>();      public Flyweight GetFlyweight(string key)     {         if (!flyweights.ContainsKey(key))         {             flyweights[key] = new Flyweight(key);         }          return flyweights[key];     }      public int GetFlyweightCount()     {         return flyweights.Count;     } }  



class Program {     static void Main(string[] args)     {         FlyweightFactory factory = new FlyweightFactory();          Flyweight flyweightA = factory.GetFlyweight("A");         flyweightA.Operation("A operation");          Flyweight flyweightB = factory.GetFlyweight("B");         flyweightB.Operation("B operation");          Flyweight flyweightC = factory.GetFlyweight("A");         flyweightC.Operation("C operation");          Console.WriteLine($"Total Flyweights: {factory.GetFlyweightCount()}");          Console.ReadLine();     } }  



  1. 创建一个享元工厂对象。
  2. 通过享元工厂获取享元对象。如果对象已经存在,则返回现有对象;否则,创建新对象。
  3. 执行享元对象的操作。
  4. 显示当前享元对象的数量。

6. 代理模式(Proxy)



// 抽象主题接口 public interface ISubject {     void Request(); }  // 真实主题 public class RealSubject : ISubject {     public void Request()     {         Console.WriteLine("RealSubject: Handling Request.");     } }  // 代理 public class Proxy : ISubject {     private RealSubject _realSubject;      public Proxy(RealSubject realSubject)     {         this._realSubject = realSubject;     }      public void Request()     {         if (this.CheckAccess())         {             this._realSubject.Request();             this.LogAccess();         }     }      public bool CheckAccess()     {         // 检查是否有权限访问         Console.WriteLine("Proxy: Checking access prior to firing a real request.");         return true;     }      public void LogAccess()     {         // 记录请求         Console.WriteLine("Proxy: Logging the time of request.");     } }  



class Program {     static void Main(string[] args)     {         Console.WriteLine("Client: Executing the client code with a real subject:");         RealSubject realSubject = new RealSubject();         realSubject.Request();          Console.WriteLine();          Console.WriteLine("Client: Executing the same client code with a proxy:");         Proxy proxy = new Proxy(realSubject);         proxy.Request();          Console.ReadLine();     } }  



  1. 创建一个真实主题对象,并直接调用其Request方法。
  2. 创建一个代理对象,代理对象包含一个真实主题的引用。
  3. 通过代理对象调用Request方法。在这个方法中,代理首先检查访问权限,然后调用真实主题的Request方法,最后记录日志。

行为型模式: 13. 责任链模式(Chain of Responsibility)

1. 命令模式(Command)

命令模式(Command Pattern)是一种数据驱动的设计模式,它属于行为型模式。在命令模式中,请求在对象中封装成为一个操作或行为,这些请求被送到调用对象,调用对象寻找可以处理该命令的合适的对象,并把命令直接送达到对应的对象,该对象会执行这些命令。


// 命令接口 public interface ICommand {     void Execute(); }  // 具体命令类 public class ConcreteCommand : ICommand {     private Receiver receiver;      public ConcreteCommand(Receiver receiver)     {         this.receiver = receiver;     }      public void Execute()     {         receiver.Action();     } }  // 接收者类 public class Receiver {     public void Action()     {         Console.WriteLine("Receiver performs an action");     } }  // 调用者或发送者类 public class Invoker {     private ICommand command;      public void SetCommand(ICommand command)     {         this.command = command;     }      public void ExecuteCommand()     {         command.Execute();     } }  



class Program {     static void Main(string[] args)     {         Receiver receiver = new Receiver();         ICommand command = new ConcreteCommand(receiver);         Invoker invoker = new Invoker();          invoker.SetCommand(command);         invoker.ExecuteCommand();          Console.ReadLine();     } }  



  1. 创建一个接收者对象。
  2. 创建一个具体命令对象,并将接收者对象传递给它。
  3. 创建一个调用者或发送者对象。
  4. 通过调用者对象的SetCommand方法设置命令。
  5. 通过调用者对象的ExecuteCommand方法执行命令。

2. 解释器模式(Interpreter)

解释器模式(Interpreter Pattern)是一种行为型设计模式,用于解决一些固定语法格式的需求。它定义了如何在语言中表示和解析语法。


// 抽象表达式 public interface IExpression {     bool Interpret(string context); }  // 终结符表达式 public class TerminalExpression : IExpression {     private string data;      public TerminalExpression(string data)     {         this.data = data;     }      public bool Interpret(string context)     {         if (context.Contains(data))         {             return true;         }          return false;     } }  // 非终结符表达式 public class OrExpression : IExpression {     private IExpression expr1 = null;     private IExpression expr2 = null;      public OrExpression(IExpression expr1, IExpression expr2)     {         this.expr1 = expr1;         this.expr2 = expr2;     }      public bool Interpret(string context)     {         return expr1.Interpret(context) || expr2.Interpret(context);     } }  



class Program {     static void Main(string[] args)     {         IExpression isMale = GetMaleExpression();         IExpression isMarriedWoman = GetMarriedWomanExpression();          Console.WriteLine($"John is male? {isMale.Interpret("John")}");         Console.WriteLine($"Julie is a married women? {isMarriedWoman.Interpret("Married Julie")}");          Console.ReadLine();     }      // 规则:Robert 和 John 是男性     public static IExpression GetMaleExpression()     {         IExpression robert = new TerminalExpression("Robert");         IExpression john = new TerminalExpression("John");         return new OrExpression(robert, john);     }      // 规则:Julie 是一个已婚的女性     public static IExpression GetMarriedWomanExpression()     {         IExpression julie = new TerminalExpression("Julie");         IExpression married = new TerminalExpression("Married");         return new OrExpression(julie, married);     } }  



  1. 创建终结符表达式对象和非终结符表达式对象,用于表示规则。
  2. 调用表达式对象的Interpret方法,解析输入的字符串。
  3. 输出解析结果。

3. 迭代器模式(Iterator)

迭代器模式(Iterator Pattern)是一种行为型设计模式,它提供了一种方法来访问一个对象的元素,而不需要暴露该对象的内部表示。以下是在C#中实现迭代器模式的一个简单示例:

// 抽象聚合类 public interface IAggregate {     IIterator CreateIterator();     void Add(string item);     int Count { get; }     string this[int index] { get; set; } }  // 具体聚合类 public class ConcreteAggregate : IAggregate {     private List<string> items = new List<string>();      public IIterator CreateIterator()     {         return new ConcreteIterator(this);     }      public int Count     {         get { return items.Count; }     }      public string this[int index]     {         get { return items[index]; }         set { items.Insert(index, value); }     }      public void Add(string item)     {         items.Add(item);     } }  // 抽象迭代器 public interface IIterator {     string First();     string Next();     bool IsDone { get; }     string CurrentItem { get; } }  // 具体迭代器 public class ConcreteIterator : IIterator {     private ConcreteAggregate aggregate;     private int current = 0;      public ConcreteIterator(ConcreteAggregate aggregate)     {         this.aggregate = aggregate;     }      public string First()     {         return aggregate[0];     }      public string Next()     {         string ret = null;         if (current < aggregate.Count - 1)         {             ret = aggregate[++current];         }          return ret;     }      public string CurrentItem     {         get { return aggregate[current]; }     }      public bool IsDone     {         get { return current >= aggregate.Count; }     } }  



class Program {     static void Main(string[] args)     {         IAggregate aggregate = new ConcreteAggregate();         aggregate.Add("Item A");         aggregate.Add("Item B");         aggregate.Add("Item C");         aggregate.Add("Item D");          IIterator iterator = aggregate.CreateIterator();          Console.WriteLine("Iterating over collection:");          string item = iterator.First();         while (item != null)         {             Console.WriteLine(item);             item = iterator.Next();         }          Console.ReadLine();     } }  



  1. 创建一个聚合对象,并添加一些元素。
  2. 通过聚合对象的CreateIterator方法创建一个迭代器。
  3. 通过迭代器的First方法获取第一个元素,然后通过Next方法获取后续的元素,直到获取不到元素为止。

4. 中介者模式(Mediator)



// Mediator 接口声明了与组件交互的方法。 public interface IMediator {     void Notify(object sender, string ev); }  // 具体 Mediators 实现协作行为,它负责协调多个组件。 public class ConcreteMediator : IMediator {     private Component1 _component1;     private Component2 _component2;      public ConcreteMediator(Component1 component1, Component2 component2)     {         _component1 = component1;         _component1.SetMediator(this);         _component2 = component2;         _component2.SetMediator(this);     }      public void Notify(object sender, string ev)     {         if (ev == "A")         {             Console.WriteLine("Mediator reacts on A and triggers following operations:");             this._component2.DoC();         }         if (ev == "D")         {             Console.WriteLine("Mediator reacts on D and triggers following operations:");             this._component1.DoB();             this._component2.DoC();         }     } }  


public abstract class BaseComponent {     protected IMediator _mediator;      public BaseComponent(IMediator mediator = null)     {         _mediator = mediator;     }      public void SetMediator(IMediator mediator)     {         this._mediator = mediator;     } }  // 具体 Components 实现各种功能。它们不依赖于其他组件。 // 它们也不依赖于任何具体 Mediator 类。 public class Component1 : BaseComponent {     public void DoA()     {         Console.WriteLine("Component 1 does A.");         this._mediator.Notify(this, "A");     }      public void DoB()     {         Console.WriteLine("Component 1 does B.");         this._mediator.Notify(this, "B");     } }  public class Component2 : BaseComponent {     public void DoC()     {         Console.WriteLine("Component 2 does C.");         this._mediator.Notify(this, "C");     }      public void DoD()     {         Console.WriteLine("Component 2 does D.");         this._mediator.Notify(this, "D");     } }  


class Program {     static void Main(string[] args)     {         // The client code.         Component1 component1 = new Component1();         Component2 component2 = new Component2();         new ConcreteMediator(component1, component2);          Console.WriteLine("Client triggers operation A.");         component1.DoA();          Console.WriteLine();          Console.WriteLine("Client triggers operation D.");         component2.DoD();     } }  

这个示例中的各个组件通过中介者来进行通信,而不是直接通信,这样就可以减少组件之间的依赖性,使得它们可以更容易地被独立修改。当一个组件发生某个事件(例如"Component 1 does A")时,它会通过中介者来通知其他组件,这样其他组件就可以根据这个事件来做出响应(例如"Component 2 does C")。

5. 备忘录模式(Memento)



// Originator 类可以生成一个备忘录,并且可以通过备忘录恢复其状态。 public class Originator {     private string _state;      public Originator(string state)     {         this._state = state;         Console.WriteLine($"Originator: My initial state is: {_state}");     }      public void DoSomething()     {         Console.WriteLine("Originator: I'm doing something important.");         _state = GenerateRandomString(30);         Console.WriteLine($"Originator: and my state has changed to: {_state}");     }      private string GenerateRandomString(int length = 10)     {         string allowedSymbols = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";         string result = string.Empty;          while (length > 0)         {             result += allowedSymbols[new Random().Next(0, allowedSymbols.Length)];              length--;         }          return result;     }      public IMemento Save()     {         return new ConcreteMemento(_state);     }      public void Restore(IMemento memento)     {         _state = memento.GetState();         Console.WriteLine($"Originator: My state has changed to: {_state}");     } }  // 备忘录接口提供了获取备忘录和原发器状态的方法。但在该接口中并未声明所有的方法,一些方法只在原发器中声明。 public interface IMemento {     string GetName();      string GetState();      DateTime GetDate(); }  // Concrete Memento 存储原发器状态,并通过原发器实现备份。备忘录是不可变的,因此,没有 set 方法。 public class ConcreteMemento : IMemento {     private string _state;     private DateTime _date;      public ConcreteMemento(string state)     {         _state = state;         _date = DateTime.Now;     }      public string GetState()     {         return _state;     }      public string GetName()     {         return $"{_date} / ({_state.Substring(0, 9)})...";     }      public DateTime GetDate()     {         return _date;     } }  // Caretaker 不依赖于具体备忘录类。结果,它不会有任何访问原发器状态的权利,它只能获取备忘录的元数据。 public class Caretaker {     private List<IMemento> _mementos = new List<IMemento>();     private Originator _originator = null;      public Caretaker(Originator originator)     {         this._originator = originator;     }      public void Backup()     {         Console.WriteLine("nCaretaker: Saving Originator's state...");         _mementos.Add(_originator.Save());     }      public void Undo()     {         if (_mementos.Count == 0)         {             return;         }          var memento = _mementos.Last();         _mementos.Remove(memento);          Console.WriteLine("Caretaker: Restoring state to: " + memento.GetName());         try         {             _originator.Restore(memento);         }         catch (Exception)         {             Undo();         }     }      public void ShowHistory()     {         Console.WriteLine("Caretaker: Here's the list of mementos:");          foreach (var memento in _mementos)         {             Console.WriteLine(memento.GetName());         }     } }  // 客户端代码 class Program {     static void Main(string[] args)     {         Originator originator = new Originator("Super-duper-super-puper-super.");         Caretaker caretaker = new Caretaker(originator);          caretaker.Backup();         originator.DoSomething();          caretaker.Backup();         originator.DoSomething();          caretaker.Backup();         originator.DoSomething();          Console.WriteLine();         caretaker.ShowHistory();          Console.WriteLine("nClient: Now, let's rollback!n");         caretaker.Undo();          Console.WriteLine("nClient: Once more!n");         caretaker.Undo();     } }  

以上的代码中,Originator 持有一些重要的状态,并且提供了方法去保存它的状态到一个备忘录对象以及从备忘录对象中恢复它的状态。Caretaker 负责保存备忘录,但是它不能操作备忘录对象中的状态。当用户执行操作时,我们先保存当前的状态,然后执行操作。如果用户后来不满意新的状态,他们可以方便地从旧的备忘录中恢复状态。

6. 观察者模式(Observer)

观察者模式(Observer Pattern)是一种行为型设计模式,当一个对象的状态发生变化时,依赖它的所有对象都会得到通知并被自动更新。以下是在C#中实现观察者模式的一个简单示例:

// 抽象观察者 public interface IObserver {     void Update(); }  // 具体观察者 public class ConcreteObserver : IObserver {     private string name;      public ConcreteObserver(string name)     {         this.name = name;     }      public void Update()     {         Console.WriteLine($"{name} received an update!");     } }  // 抽象主题 public interface ISubject {     void RegisterObserver(IObserver observer);     void RemoveObserver(IObserver observer);     void NotifyObservers(); }  // 具体主题 public class ConcreteSubject : ISubject {     private List<IObserver> observers = new List<IObserver>();      public void RegisterObserver(IObserver observer)     {         observers.Add(observer);     }      public void RemoveObserver(IObserver observer)     {         if (observers.Contains(observer))         {             observers.Remove(observer);         }     }      public void NotifyObservers()     {         foreach (var observer in observers)         {             observer.Update();         }     }      public void ChangeState()     {         // 触发状态变化,通知所有观察者         NotifyObservers();     } }  



class Program {     static void Main(string[] args)     {         ConcreteSubject subject = new ConcreteSubject();          subject.RegisterObserver(new ConcreteObserver("Observer 1"));         subject.RegisterObserver(new ConcreteObserver("Observer 2"));         subject.RegisterObserver(new ConcreteObserver("Observer 3"));          subject.ChangeState();          Console.ReadLine();     } }  



  1. 创建一个具体主题对象。
  2. 创建几个具体观察者对象,并通过主题的RegisterObserver方法将这些观察者注册到主题中。
  3. 通过主题的ChangeState方法改变主题的状态,这会触发主题通知所有观察者。

7. 状态模式(State)




public interface IAccountState {     void Deposit(Action addToBalance);     void Withdraw(Action subtractFromBalance);     void ComputeInterest(); }  


public class NormalState : IAccountState {     public void Deposit(Action addToBalance)     {         addToBalance();         Console.WriteLine("Deposit in NormalState");     }      public void Withdraw(Action subtractFromBalance)     {         subtractFromBalance();         Console.WriteLine("Withdraw in NormalState");     }      public void ComputeInterest()     {         Console.WriteLine("Interest computed in NormalState");     } }  public class OverdrawnState : IAccountState {     public void Deposit(Action addToBalance)     {         addToBalance();         Console.WriteLine("Deposit in OverdrawnState");     }      public void Withdraw(Action subtractFromBalance)     {         Console.WriteLine("No withdraw in OverdrawnState");     }      public void ComputeInterest()     {         Console.WriteLine("Interest and fees computed in OverdrawnState");     } }  


public class BankAccount {     private IAccountState _state;     private double _balance;      public BankAccount(IAccountState state)     {         _state = state;         _balance = 0;     }      public void Deposit(double amount)     {         _state.Deposit(() => _balance += amount);         StateChangeCheck();     }      public void Withdraw(double amount)     {         _state.Withdraw(() => _balance -= amount);         StateChangeCheck();     }      public void ComputeInterest()     {         _state.ComputeInterest();     }      private void StateChangeCheck()     {         if (_balance < 0.0)             _state = new OverdrawnState();         else             _state = new NormalState();     } }  


public class Program {     public static void Main(string[] args)     {         var account = new BankAccount(new NormalState());          account.Deposit(1000); // Deposit in NormalState         account.Withdraw(2000); // Withdraw in NormalState; No withdraw in OverdrawnState         account.Deposit(100); // Deposit in OverdrawnState          account.ComputeInterest(); // Interest and fees computed in OverdrawnState          Console.ReadKey();     } }  


8. 策略模式(Strategy)




public interface ISortStrategy {     void Sort(List<int> list); }  


public class QuickSort : ISortStrategy {     public void Sort(List<int> list)     {         list.Sort();  // Quick sort is in-place but here we are using built-in method         Console.WriteLine("QuickSorted list ");     } }  public class BubbleSort : ISortStrategy {     public void Sort(List<int> list)     {         int n = list.Count;         for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)             for (int j = 0; j < n - i - 1; j++)                 if (list[j] > list[j + 1])                 {                     // swap temp and list[i]                     int temp = list[j];                     list[j] = list[j + 1];                     list[j + 1] = temp;                 }          Console.WriteLine("BubbleSorted list ");     } }  


public class SortedList {     private List<int> _list = new List<int>();     private ISortStrategy _sortstrategy;      public void SetSortStrategy(ISortStrategy sortstrategy)     {         this._sortstrategy = sortstrategy;     }      public void Add(int num)     {         _list.Add(num);     }      public void Sort()     {         _sortstrategy.Sort(_list);          // Print sorted list         foreach (int num in _list)         {             Console.Write(num + " ");         }         Console.WriteLine();     } }  


public class Program {     public static void Main(string[] args)     {         SortedList sortedList = new SortedList();          sortedList.Add(1);         sortedList.Add(5);         sortedList.Add(3);         sortedList.Add(4);         sortedList.Add(2);          sortedList.SetSortStrategy(new QuickSort());         sortedList.Sort();  // Output: QuickSorted list 1 2 3 4 5           sortedList.SetSortStrategy(new BubbleSort());         sortedList.Sort();  // Output: BubbleSorted list 1 2 3 4 5           Console.ReadKey();     } }  


9. 模板方法模式(Template Method)




public abstract class CookingProcedure {     // The 'Template method'      public void PrepareDish()     {         PrepareIngredients();         Cook();         CleanUp();     }      public void PrepareIngredients()     {         Console.WriteLine("Preparing the ingredients...");     }      // These methods will be overridden by subclasses     public abstract void Cook();      public void CleanUp()     {         Console.WriteLine("Cleaning up...");     } }  


public class CookPasta : CookingProcedure {     public override void Cook()     {         Console.WriteLine("Cooking pasta...");     } }  public class BakeCake : CookingProcedure {     public override void Cook()     {         Console.WriteLine("Baking cake...");     } }  


public class Program {     public static void Main(string[] args)     {         CookingProcedure cookingProcedure = new CookPasta();         cookingProcedure.PrepareDish();          Console.WriteLine();          cookingProcedure = new BakeCake();         cookingProcedure.PrepareDish();          Console.ReadKey();     } }  


10. 访问者模式(Visitor)

访问者模式(Visitor Pattern)是一种将算法与对象结构分离的软件设计模式。这种模式的基本想法就是通过所谓的"访问者"来改变元素的操作。这样一来,元素的类可以用于表示元素结构,而具体的操作则可以在访问者类中定义。



// 访问者接口 public interface IVisitor {     void VisitConcreteElementA(ConcreteElementA concreteElementA);     void VisitConcreteElementB(ConcreteElementB concreteElementB); }  // 具体访问者A public class ConcreteVisitorA : IVisitor {     public void VisitConcreteElementA(ConcreteElementA concreteElementA)     {         Console.WriteLine($"{concreteElementA.GetType().Name} is being visited by {this.GetType().Name}");     }      public void VisitConcreteElementB(ConcreteElementB concreteElementB)     {         Console.WriteLine($"{concreteElementB.GetType().Name} is being visited by {this.GetType().Name}");     } }  // 具体访问者B public class ConcreteVisitorB : IVisitor {     public void VisitConcreteElementA(ConcreteElementA concreteElementA)     {         Console.WriteLine($"{concreteElementA.GetType().Name} is being visited by {this.GetType().Name}");     }      public void VisitConcreteElementB(ConcreteElementB concreteElementB)     {         Console.WriteLine($"{concreteElementB.GetType().Name} is being visited by {this.GetType().Name}");     } }  // 元素接口 public interface IElement {     void Accept(IVisitor visitor); }  // 具体元素A public class ConcreteElementA : IElement {     public void Accept(IVisitor visitor)     {         visitor.VisitConcreteElementA(this);     } }  // 具体元素B public class ConcreteElementB : IElement {     public void Accept(IVisitor visitor)     {         visitor.VisitConcreteElementB(this);     } }  // 对象结构 public class ObjectStructure {     private List<IElement> _elements = new List<IElement>();      public void Attach(IElement element)     {         _elements.Add(element);     }      public void Detach(IElement element)     {         _elements.Remove(element);     }      public void Accept(IVisitor visitor)     {         foreach (var element in _elements)         {             element.Accept(visitor);         }     } }  


  1. 创建具体元素ConcreteElementA和ConcreteElementB的实例。
  2. 创建对象结构ObjectStructure的实例,并将步骤1创建的具体元素添加到对象结构中。
  3. 创建具体访问者ConcreteVisitorA和ConcreteVisitorB的实例。
  4. 调用对象结构的Accept方法,传入步骤3创建的具体访问者,使具体访问者访问对象结构中的所有元素。


public class Program {     public static void Main()     {         ObjectStructure objectStructure = new ObjectStructure();          objectStructure.Attach(new ConcreteElementA());         objectStructure.Attach(new ConcreteElementB());          ConcreteVisitorA visitorA = new ConcreteVisitorA();         ConcreteVisitorB visitorB = new ConcreteVisitorB();          objectStructure.Accept(visitorA);         objectStructure.Accept(visitorB);          Console.ReadKey();     } }  



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