web游览器的标签页仿 ios mac 苹果的墓碑机制 (js代码)

  • web游览器的标签页仿 ios mac 苹果的墓碑机制 (js代码)已关闭评论
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假如当前游览器中有3个标签页分别是A,B,C,每个标签页都有倒计时。正常情况下,每个标签页都会倒计时。但是苹果游览器只会有一个标签页A正常倒计时,其余的B,C 倒计时不生效。





    //分钟数          var min;         var timeLeft;          var timer=null;          var IsnewRequest = false;         var StayTimer = null;         function resetTimer() {             backInit();         }          function uuid(len, radix) {             var chars = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.split('');             var uuid = [], i;             radix = radix || chars.length;              if (len) {                 // Compact form                 for (i = 0; i < len; i++) uuid[i] = chars[0 | Math.random()*radix];             } else {                 // rfc4122, version 4 form                 var r;                  // rfc4122 requires these characters                 uuid[8] = uuid[13] = uuid[18] = uuid[23] = '-';                 uuid[14] = '4';                  // Fill in random data.  At i==19 set the high bits of clock sequence as                 // per rfc4122, sec. 4.1.5                 for (i = 0; i < 36; i++) {                 if (!uuid[i]) {                     r = 0 | Math.random()*16;                     uuid[i] = chars[(i == 19) ? (r & 0x3) | 0x8 : r];                 }                 }             }              return uuid.join('');         }           function GetBigTime() {              //判断:如果有其他页面打开,则赋值最大倒计时值,如果< 10 退出             //1,获取所有的time             //2,取最大的时间             //3,如果最大的时间<10 则不管;             var countDownKeyList= [];                 var localStorageKeys = Object.keys(localStorage)             for (var i=0;i<localStorageKeys.length;i++) {                         var item = localStorageKeys[i];                 if(item.indexOf("CountDown")!=-1)                 {                 countDownKeyList.push(item);                 }                               }              var countDownValueList= [];                 for(var i= 0; i<countDownKeyList.length;i++)             {                 var value = localStorage.getItem(countDownKeyList[i]);                 countDownValueList.push(value);             }              //验证最大时间             var bigTime = countDownValueList.sort().reverse()[0];             //if(Number(bigTime)>=3)             if(Number(bigTime)>=3 && Number(bigTime) != 19999999)                         {                 //取运行中的倒计时最大值;                       window.localStorage.setItem(window.CountDown,bigTime);                  return false;             }             else             {                 window.localStorage.removeItem(window.CountDown);                  return true;             }          }          function  ShowCountDown (second){             const s = second % 60;             const m = Math.floor(second / 60);             return `${`00${m}`.slice(-2)} : ${`00${s}`.slice(-2)}`;         };             function reSetTimeoutInit()         {             window.localStorage.setItem("checkClose","1");             setTimeout(function(){             //1秒后执行刷新                       window.localStorage.removeItem('checkClose');             }, 1000); //单位是毫秒                setTimeoutInit();         }          var IsResetTime = false;         function setTimeoutInit() {                           this.IsnewRequest = true;             //默认无操作时间为15分钟             min = 15;             let value = window.localStorage.getItem("InvalidTime");                 //如果取不到session值 则默认15分钟             if(value!=null && value!=undefined)             {                 min =  Number(value);                              }                              //清理之前的倒计时             clearInterval(StayTimer);               //没有唯一标识,则生成             if(window.CountDown==''||window.CountDown==undefined)             {                       window.CountDown = "CountDown"+this.uuid(8,2);                             }              //设置初始倒计时             var MainTime = min * 60;                         window.localStorage.setItem(window.CountDown,MainTime);                   StayTimer = setInterval(()=>{                  var nowTime = window.localStorage.getItem(window.CountDown);                 if(nowTime==null||nowTime=="")                 {                     clearInterval(StayTimer);                     return;                 }                 //获取存储倒计时                 timeLeft = Number(nowTime);                              var localStorageKeys = Object.keys(localStorage)                 var labelList =  localStorageKeys.filter(x=> x.indexOf("CountDown")!=-1 );                       var activeCount = 0;                 for(var i= 0; i<labelList.length;i++)                 {                     var value = localStorage.getItem(labelList[i]);                     var nValue =  Number.parseInt(value);                     if(nValue!=19999999)                     {                     activeCount++;                     }                         }                        var localStorageKeys = Object.keys(localStorage)                 var labelList =  localStorageKeys.filter(x=> x.indexOf("CountDown")!=-1 );                       var activeCount = 0;                 for(var i= 0; i<labelList.length;i++)                 {                     var value = localStorage.getItem(labelList[i]);                     var nValue =  Number.parseInt(value);                     if(nValue!=19999999)                     {                     activeCount++;                     }                         }                 //如果没有一个活跃,则重新读取                 if(activeCount==0)                 {                     this.IsnewRequest = true;                 }                  if(this.IsnewRequest==true)                 {                     this.IsnewRequest = false;                     for(var i= 0; i<labelList.length;i++)                     {                     if(labelList[i]!=window.CountDown)                     {                         var value = localStorage.getItem(labelList[i])                         localStorage.setItem(labelList[i],"19999999");                     }                     else                     {                         timeLeft = MainTime;//设置的默认值                                    localStorage.setItem(labelList[i],MainTime);                     }                     }                       }                          if (document.hidden) {                     //首先重置时间                     //赋值其余的为-999                     if(timeLeft==19999999)                     {                     IsResetTime = true                     const show = ShowCountDown(timeLeft);//恢复倒计时 并且重置时间;                     console.log("[时停],倒计时:"+timeLeft);                                                                                }                     else                     {                               if(IsResetTime)                     {                         timeLeft = MainTime;//设置的默认值                                    IsResetTime = false;                     }                                            const show = ShowCountDown(timeLeft--);//恢复倒计时 并且重置时间;                     console.log("[独苗],倒计时:"+timeLeft);                                                                                }                 } else {                                 //首先重置时间                     //赋值其余的为-999                     if(timeLeft==19999999)                     {                     IsResetTime = true                     const show = ShowCountDown(timeLeft);//恢复倒计时 并且重置时间;                     console.log("[时停],倒计时:"+timeLeft);                                                                                }                     else                     {                               if(IsResetTime)                     {                         timeLeft = MainTime;//设置的默认值                                    IsResetTime = false;                     }                                            const show = ShowCountDown(timeLeft--);//恢复倒计时 并且重置时间;                     console.log("[独苗],倒计时:"+timeLeft);                                                                                }                 }                         var checkShow = window.localStorage.getItem('checkShow');                 var blCheckShow =Number(checkShow);                 if(blCheckShow==1)                 {                     timeLeft = -1;                     setTimeout(function(){                     //1秒后执行刷新                               window.localStorage.removeItem('checkShow');                     }, 1000); //单位是毫秒                                     }                                  //const show = ShowCountDown(timeLeft--);                 //设置倒计时                 window.localStorage.setItem(window.CountDown,timeLeft);                      if (timeLeft < 0)                  {                     //#endregion                                         window.localStorage.setItem('checkShow',"1");                     var IsResetTime = false;                         var blresult = this.GetBigTime();                     if(blresult==true)                     {                         //清理定时                          clearInterval(StayTimer);                         //业务操作:                         document.getElementsByClassName("fullScreenDiv")[0].style.display = "block";                         document.getElementsByClassName("promptDiv")[0].style.display = "block";                         startCountDown($("#spanCountDown").text());                       }                   }                                  },1000);                //countTime();                             var vdoc = document.getElementById("ScormIframe").contentDocument;              if (vdoc != null) {                 vdoc.addEventListener("mousemove", resetTimer, false);                 vdoc.addEventListener("mousedown", resetTimer, false);                 vdoc.addEventListener("keypress", resetTimer, false);                 vdoc.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", resetTimer, false);                 vdoc.addEventListener("mousewheel", resetTimer, false);                 vdoc.addEventListener("touchmove", resetTimer, false);                 vdoc.addEventListener("MSPointerMove", resetTimer, false);             }             else{               }              if (language == "zh-CN") {                         $("#msgInfo").html("由于长时间未操作,课件将在倒计时结束后自动关闭,系统会保存您的学习记录。");                         $("#msgTimeout").html("如果您想继续学习,请关闭此窗口。");                     }                     else {                         $("#msgInfo").html("Since there is no operation for a period of time, the courseware will be closed automatically at the end of the countdown and the learning record will be saved.");                         $("#msgTimeout").html("If you want to continue learning, just close this window.");                     }         }             function countTime() {                 if (timeLeft == 0) {                     document.getElementsByClassName("fullScreenDiv")[0].style.display = "block";                     document.getElementsByClassName("promptDiv")[0].style.display = "block";                     startCountDown($("#spanCountDown").text());                  }                  var startMinutes = parseInt(timeLeft / (60 * 1000), 10);                 var startSec = parseInt((timeLeft - startMinutes * 60 * 1000) / 1000)                 timeLeft = timeLeft - 1000;                 setTimeout('countTime()', 1000);                 //console.log(timeLeft);             }              function startCountDown(html){                 clearInterval(this.CountDownTimer);                         this.CountDownTimer = setInterval(() => {                              var checkClose = window.localStorage.getItem('checkClose');                             var blCheckClose =Number(checkClose);                             if(blCheckClose==1)                                                         {                                                                 // $("#spanCountDown").text(60);                                 // clearInterval(this.CountDownTimer);                                 document.getElementsByClassName("fullScreenDiv")[0].style.display = "none";                                 document.getElementsByClassName("promptDiv")[0].style.display = "none";                                                                 setTimeoutInit();                                 setTimeout(function(){                                 //1秒后执行刷新                                 window.localStorage.removeItem('checkClose');                                 }, 1000); //单位是毫秒                                  }                             else                             {                                 html = parseInt(html) - 1;                                  if (parseInt(html) <= 0) {                                     closeme();                                 }                                 $("#spanCountDown").text(html);                             }                                                                                 ////console.log($("#spanCountDown").text());                         }, 1000);             }         function closeme() {             var browserName = navigator.appName;             if (browserName == "Netscape") {                 window.open('', '_parent', '');                 window.close();             } else if (browserName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") {                 window.opener = "whocares";                 window.close();             }         }           function backInit() {                  reSetTimeoutInit();                                  // min = 15;                 // timeLeft = min * 60 * 1000;                 $("#spanCountDown").text(60);                 clearInterval(this.CountDownTimer);                 document.getElementsByClassName("fullScreenDiv")[0].style.display = "none";                 document.getElementsByClassName("promptDiv")[0].style.display = "none";             }


