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Podman(01)Install PodmanPodman:安装   安装容器管理工具的Podman。[1]  安装 Podman。


(01)Install Podman



[1]  安装 Podman。

root@dlp:~# apt -y install podman


[2]  下载官方镜像并创建一个容器,并在容器内输出 [Welcome to the Podman World] 字样。

# download the official image root@dlp:~# podman pull ubuntu # run echo inside a container root@dlp:~# podman run ubuntu /bin/echo "Welcome to the Podman World" Welcome to the Podman World Resolved "ubuntu" as an alias (/etc/containers/registries.conf.d/shortnames.conf) Trying to pull docker.io/library/ubuntu:latest... Getting image source signatures Copying blob 49b384cc7b4a done   | Copying config bf3dc08bfe done   | Writing manifest to image destination bf3dc08bfed031182827888bb15977e316ad797ee2ccb63b4c7a57fdfe7eb31d


[3]  使用 [i] 和 [t] 选项连接到容器的交互式会话,如下所示。

  如果 [exit] 退出容器会话,则容器的过程完成。

root@dlp:~# podman run -it ubuntu /bin/bash root@591e1ea31c34:/#     # connected root@591e1ea31c34:/# uname -a Linux 591e1ea31c34 6.8.0-31-generic #31-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Sat Apr 20 00:40:06 UTC 2024 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux root@591e1ea31c34:/# exit exit root@dlp:~#     # come back


[4]  如果要将容器作为守护进程运行,请添加 [d] 选项。

root@dlp:~# podman run -itd ubuntu /bin/bash # show podman processes root@dlp:~# podman ps a45d9a04eb16c35c28bf2c223a41613a99c4eaddba7e619decbe27e851eb906b   CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                            COMMAND     CREATED         STATUS         PORTS       NAMES a45d9a04eb16  docker.io/library/ubuntu:latest  /bin/bash   16 seconds ago  Up 16 seconds              angry_driscoll  # attach to container session root@dlp:~# podman exec -it a45d9a04eb16 /bin/bash root@a45d9a04eb16:/#     # connected root@a45d9a04eb16:/# exit # stop container process # * if force stop, specify [podman kill ***] root@dlp:~# podman stop a45d9a04eb16 root@dlp:~# podman ps CONTAINER ID  IMAGE   COMMAND  CREATED  STATUS  PORTS   NAMES


(02)Add Container Images



[1]  例如,使用安装 [apache2] 更新官方镜像,并将其添加为新的容器镜像。

# show container images root@dlp:~# podman images REPOSITORY                TAG         IMAGE ID      CREATED     SIZE docker.io/library/ubuntu  latest      bf3dc08bfed0  5 days ago  78.7 MB  # run a container and install [apache2] root@dlp:~# podman run ubuntu /bin/bash -c "apt-get update; apt-get -y install apache2" root@dlp:~# podman ps -a | tail -1 # add the image that [apache2] was installed root@dlp:~# podman commit 8ba738311a1b srv.world/ubuntu-apache2 # show container images root@dlp:~# podman images # confirm [apache2] to run a container root@dlp:~# podman run srv.world/ubuntu-apache2 /usr/bin/whereis apache2 apache2: /usr/sbin/apache2 /usr/lib/apache2 /etc/apache2 /usr/share/apache2 8ba738311a1b  docker.io/library/ubuntu:latest  /bin/bash -c apt-...  26 seconds ago  Exited (0) 8 seconds ago              intelligent_haibt  Getting image source signatures Copying blob 80098e3d304c skipped: already exists Copying blob 8b942a48c2d6 done   | Copying config 38d5083368 done   | Writing manifest to image destination 38d5083368637cec96e051ebe22f2b5776538eb9ad7dc2143f4d617896ec05f4  REPOSITORY                TAG         IMAGE ID      CREATED         SIZE srv.world/ubuntu-apache2  latest      38d508336863  26 seconds ago  226 MB docker.io/library/ubuntu  latest      bf3dc08bfed0  5 days ago      78.7 MB




  如果要访问在容器上作为守护程序运行的 HTTP 或 SSH 等服务,请按如下方式进行配置。

[1]  例如,使用已安装 [apache2] 的容器。

root@dlp:~# podman images # run a container and also start [apache2] # map with [-p xxx:xxx] to [(Host Port):(Container Port)] root@dlp:~# podman run -dt -p 8081:80 --security-opt apparmor=unconfined srv.world/ubuntu-apache2 /usr/sbin/apachectl -D FOREGROUND root@dlp:~# podman ps REPOSITORY                TAG         IMAGE ID      CREATED             SIZE srv.world/ubuntu-apache2  latest      38d508336863  About a minute ago  226 MB docker.io/library/ubuntu  latest      bf3dc08bfed0  5 days ago          78.7 MB  77c61575ad7b23c0091e0744cf691d8fb28484bd52a3be00280456e64309b191   CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                            COMMAND               CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                 NAMES 77c61575ad7b  srv.world/ubuntu-apache2:latest  /usr/sbin/apachec...  14 seconds ago  Up 14 seconds>80/tcp  affectionate_mirzakhani  # create a test page root@dlp:~# podman exec 77c61575ad7b /bin/bash -c 'echo "Apache2 on Podman Container" > /var/www/html/index.html' # verify accesses root@dlp:~# curl localhost:8081 Apache2 on Podman Container # also possible to access via container network root@dlp:~# podman inspect -l | grep "IPAddress root@dlp:~# curl Apache2 on Podman Container             "IPAddress": "",                     "IPAddress": "",






[1]  例如,创建一个已安装并启动 Nginx 的 Dockerfile。

root@dlp:~# vi Dockerfile # create new FROM ubuntu MAINTAINER ServerWorld <admin@srv.world>  RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get -y install nginx RUN echo "Dockerfile Test on Nginx" > /var/www/html/index.html  EXPOSE 80 CMD ["/usr/sbin/nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]  # build image ⇒ podman build -t [image name]:[tag] . root@dlp:~# podman build -t srv.world/ubuntu-nginx:latest . root@dlp:~# podman images # run container root@dlp:~# podman run -d -p 80:80 --security-opt apparmor=unconfined srv.world/ubuntu-nginx root@dlp:~# podman ps STEP 1/7: FROM ubuntu STEP 2/7: MAINTAINER ServerWorld <admin@srv.world> --> f2fc42956ea5 STEP 3/7: RUN apt-get update  ..... .....  STEP 6/7: EXPOSE 80 --> 79117f75b19a STEP 7/7: CMD ["/usr/sbin/nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"] COMMIT srv.world/ubuntu-nginx:latest --> 1b1a4d3f4f26 Successfully tagged srv.world/ubuntu-nginx:latest 1b1a4d3f4f26fdac6a7556c81a8cee65bfdbaaeff204ccc700f16b91d83e8dec  REPOSITORY                TAG         IMAGE ID      CREATED             SIZE srv.world/ubuntu-nginx    latest      1b1a4d3f4f26  About a minute ago  125 MB srv.world/ubuntu-apache2  latest      38d508336863  37 minutes ago      226 MB docker.io/library/ubuntu  latest      bf3dc08bfed0  5 days ago          78.7 MB  1628817a1fa315f96be582e324daf4fad31bc51f1ef015be6dd3f2d2750fb5fd   CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                          COMMAND               CREATED         STATUS         PORTS               NAMES 1628817a1fa3  srv.world/ubuntu-nginx:latest  /usr/sbin/nginx -...  18 seconds ago  Up 18 seconds>80/tcp  intelligent_chatterjee  # verify accesses root@dlp:~# curl localhost Dockerfile Test on Nginx # also possible to access via container network root@dlp:~# podman inspect -l | grep "IPAddress root@dlp:~# curl Dockerfile Test on Nginx             "IPAddress": "",                     "IPAddress": "",


Dockerfile 的格式为 [INSTRUCTION arguments] 。


指令 描述
FROM 它为后续指令设置基础映像。
MAINTAINER 它设置生成图像的“作者”字段。
RUN 它将在创建 Docker 映像时执行任何命令。
CMD 它将在执行 Docker 容器时执行任何命令。
ENTRYPOINT 它将在执行 Docker 容器时执行任何命令。
LABEL 它将元数据添加到图像中。
EXPOSE 它通知 Docker 容器将在运行时侦听指定的网络端口。
ENV 它设置环境变量。
ADD 它复制新文件、目录或远程文件 URL。
COPY 它复制新文件或目录。
VOLUME 它创建一个具有指定名称的挂载点,并将其标记为持有 从本机主机或其他容器外部挂载的卷。
USER 它设置用户名或 UID。
WORKDIR 它设置工作目录。






(09)使用Docker CLI

(10)使用Docker Compose



