
  • WPF使用TextBlock实现查找结果高亮显示已关闭评论
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<TextBlock FontSize="20">     <Run Text="Hel" /><Run Foreground="Red" Text="lo " /><Run Text="Word" /> </TextBlock> 



textBlock1.Inlines.Add(new Run("hel")); textBlock1.Inlines.Add(new Run("lo ") { Foreground=new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red)}); textBlock1.Inlines.Add(new Run("world")); 




  • 首先定义类ColoredLettering(并不要求继承DependencyObject)。
  • ColoredLettering中注册自定义的附加属性,注册附加属性方式与注册依赖属性类似,不过附加属性是用DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached来注册。
  • 给附加属性注册属性值变化事件,事件处理逻辑中设置TextEffectPositionStartPositionCount以及Foreground实现内容高亮。
public class ColoredLettering {     public static void SetColorStart(TextBlock textElement, int value)     {         textElement.SetValue(ColorStartProperty, value);     }      public static int GetColorStart(TextBlock textElement)     {         return (int)textElement.GetValue(ColorStartProperty);     }      // Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for ColorStart.  This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...     public static readonly DependencyProperty ColorStartProperty =         DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("ColorStart", typeof(int), typeof(ColoredLettering), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(0, OnColorStartChanged));      private static void OnColorStartChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)     {         TextBlock textBlock = d as TextBlock;         if (textBlock != null)         {             if (e.NewValue == e.OldValue) return;                 if (e.NewValue is int)                 {                     int count = GetColorLength(textBlock);                     Brush brush = GetForeColor(textBlock);                     if ((int)e.NewValue <= 0 || count <= 0 || brush == TextBlock.ForegroundProperty.DefaultMetadata.DefaultValue) return;                     if (textBlock.TextEffects.Count != 0)                     {                         textBlock.TextEffects.Clear();                     }                     TextEffect textEffect = new TextEffect()                     {                         Foreground = brush,                         PositionStart = (int)e.NewValue,                         PositionCount = count                     };                     textBlock.TextEffects.Add(textEffect);                 }         }     }      public static void SetColorLength(TextBlock textElement, int value)     {         textElement.SetValue(ColorLengthProperty, value);     }      public static int GetColorLength(TextBlock textElement)     {         return (int)textElement.GetValue(ColorLengthProperty);     }      // Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for ColorStart.  This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...     public static readonly DependencyProperty ColorLengthProperty =         DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("ColorLength", typeof(int), typeof(ColoredLettering), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(0, OnColorLengthChanged));      private static void OnColorLengthChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)     {         TextBlock textBlock = d as TextBlock;             if (textBlock != null)             {                 if (e.NewValue == e.OldValue) return;                 if (e.NewValue is int)                 {                     int start = GetColorStart(textBlock);                     Brush brush = GetForeColor(textBlock);                     if ((int)e.NewValue <= 0 || start <= 0 || brush == TextBlock.ForegroundProperty.DefaultMetadata.DefaultValue) return;                     if (textBlock.TextEffects.Count != 0)                     {                         textBlock.TextEffects.Clear();                     }                     TextEffect textEffect = new TextEffect()                     {                         Foreground = brush,                         PositionStart = start,                         PositionCount = (int)e.NewValue                     };                     textBlock.TextEffects.Add(textEffect);                 }             }     }      public static void SetForeColor(TextBlock textElement, Brush value)     {         textElement.SetValue(ColorStartProperty, value);     }      public static Brush GetForeColor(TextBlock textElement)     {         return (Brush)textElement.GetValue(ForeColorProperty);     }      // Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for ForeColor.  This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...     public static readonly DependencyProperty ForeColorProperty =         DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("ForeColor", typeof(Brush), typeof(ColoredLettering), new PropertyMetadata(TextBlock.ForegroundProperty.DefaultMetadata.DefaultValue, OnForeColorChanged));      private static void OnForeColorChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)     {         TextBlock textBlock = d as TextBlock;         if (textBlock != null)         {             if (e.NewValue == e.OldValue) return;             if (e.NewValue is Brush)             {                 int start = GetColorStart(textBlock);                 int count = GetColorLength(textBlock);                 if (start <= 0 || count <= 0) return;                 if (textBlock.TextEffects.Count != 0)                 {                     textBlock.TextEffects.Clear();                 }                 TextEffect textEffect = new TextEffect()                 {                     Foreground = (Brush)e.NewValue,                     PositionStart = start,                     PositionCount = count                 };                 textBlock.TextEffects.Add(textEffect);             }         }     } } 


<TextBlock local:ColoredLettering.ColorLength="{Binding Count}"            local:ColoredLettering.ColorStart="{Binding Start}"            local:ColoredLettering.ForeColor="{Binding ForeColor}"            FontSize="20"            Text="Hello World" /> 


最后分享一个可以解析一组有限的HTML标记并显示它们的WPF控件HtmlTextBlock ,通过这个控件也可以实现查找结果中高亮关键字,甚至支持指定内容触发事件做一些逻辑操作。