ve-plus:基于 vue3.x 桌面端UI组件库|vue3组件库

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VE-Plus 自研轻量级 vue3.js 桌面pc端UI组件库 经过一个多月的筹划及开发,今天给大家带来一款全新的Vue3桌面端UI组件库VEPlus。新增了35+常用的组件,采用vue3 setup语法糖开发,在使用上和element-ui比较类似,极易快速上手。

VE-Plus 自研轻量级 vue3.js 桌面pc端UI组件库

经过一个多月的筹划及开发,今天给大家带来一款全新的Vue3桌面端UI组件库VEPlus。新增了35+常用的组件,采用vue3 setup语法糖开发,在使用上和element-ui比较类似,极易快速上手。

ve-plus:基于 vue3.x 桌面端UI组件库|vue3组件库

ve-plus 致力数据驱动视图,使用最少的代码量来实现和element-ui一样的功能。极少引入外部插件,高定制化及运行速度快。

ve-plus:基于 vue3.x 桌面端UI组件库|vue3组件库

ve-plus:基于 vue3.x 桌面端UI组件库|vue3组件库


ve-plus:基于 vue3.x 桌面端UI组件库|vue3组件库

ve-plus:基于 vue3.x 桌面端UI组件库|vue3组件库


◆ 安装

npm install ve-plus -S cnpm install ve-plus -S yarn add ve-plus

◆ 快速引入

ve-plus 支持全局引入按需引入两种引入方式。

import { createApp } from "vue" import App from "./App.vue" import VEPlus from "ve-plus"  const app = createApp(App) app.use(VEPlus) app.mount("#app")

import { Button, Input, Checkbox } from "ve-plus"  <Button type="success" round>按钮</Button> <Input v-model="value" /> <Checkbox v-model="checked" label="选中" />

ve-plus:基于 vue3.x 桌面端UI组件库|vue3组件库

◆ 快速使用

<Button type="primary">Primary</Button> <Button type="success">Success</Button> <Button type="warning" round>Warning</Button> <Button type="primary" icon="ve-icon-filetext" circle></Button>  <Input v-model="inputVal" placeholder="输入用户名" />  <Checkbox v-model="checkboxValue" label="Checkbox" />  <Select v-model="selectVal" :options="options" size="large" clearable />  ...

ve-plus:基于 vue3.x 桌面端UI组件库|vue3组件库

ve-plus:基于 vue3.x 桌面端UI组件库|vue3组件库

ve-plus:基于 vue3.x 桌面端UI组件库|vue3组件库

ve-plus:基于 vue3.x 桌面端UI组件库|vue3组件库

ve-plus:基于 vue3.x 桌面端UI组件库|vue3组件库

<script setup>     const formRuleRef = ref()     const rules = ref({         name: [             { required: true, message: "请输入活动名称", trigger: ["blur", "input"] },             { min: 3, max: 5, message: "长度在 3 到 5 个字符", trigger: "blur" }         ],         region: [             { required: true, message: "请选择活动区域", trigger: "change" }         ],         type: [             { type: "array", required: true, message: "请至少选择一个活动性质", trigger: "change" }         ],         resource: [             { required: true, message: "请选择活动资源", trigger: "change" }         ],         // summary: [         //     { required: true, message: "请填写活动详情", trigger: "blur" }         // ]     })     const handleSubmit = () => {         formRuleRef.value.validate(valid => {             if(valid) {                 console.log("submit")             }else {                 console.log("error...")                 return false             }         })     }     const handleReset = () => {         formRuleRef.value.resetFields()     } </script>  <template>     <Form         ref="formRuleRef"         :model="formObj"         labelWidth="80px"         :rules="rules"         style="width: 600px;"     >         <FormItem label="活动名称" prop="name">             <Input v-model="" />         </FormItem>         <FormItem label="活动区域" prop="region">             <Select v-model="formObj.region" :options="regionOptions" clearable multiple />         </FormItem>         <FormItem label="即时配送" prop="delivery" required message="请勾选即时配送" trigger="change">             <Switch v-model="" />         </FormItem>         <FormItem label="活动性质" prop="type">             <CheckboxGroup v-model="formObj.type">                 <Checkbox label="美食/餐厅线上活动" button />                 <Checkbox label="亲子主题" button />                 <Checkbox label="品牌推广" button />             </CheckboxGroup>         </FormItem>         <FormItem label="特殊资源" prop="resource">             <RadioGroup v-model="formObj.resource">                 <Radio label="线上品牌商赞助" button />                 <Radio label="线下场地免费" button />             </RadioGroup>         </FormItem>         <FormItem label="活动详情" prop="summary" :rule="[{ required: true, message: "请填写活动详情", trigger: "blur" }]">             <Input v-model="formObj.summary" type="textarea" rows={3} />         </FormItem>         <FormItem>             <Button type="primary" @click="handleSubmit">立即创建</Button>             <Button @click="handleReset">重置</Button>         </FormItem>     </Form> </template>

ve-plus:基于 vue3.x 桌面端UI组件库|vue3组件库

ve-plus:基于 vue3.x 桌面端UI组件库|vue3组件库

ve-plus:基于 vue3.x 桌面端UI组件库|vue3组件库

<template>     <Loading v-model="loaded" background="rgba(0,0,0,.75)" spinner="ve-icon-loading" fullscreen="false">         <template #text><div>加载中...</div></template>     </Loading>      <Loading v-model="loaded" text="Loading..." background="rgba(0,0,0,.75)" fullscreen="false" /> </template>


<script setup>     const handleLoading = () => {         loading({             // spinner: "sv-icon-loading",             text: "Loading...",             background: "rgba(0,0,0,.75)",             size: 32,             // time: 3, // 3s后关闭             shadeClose: true,             onOpen: () => {                 console.log("开启loading")             },             onClose: () => {                 console.log("关闭loading")             }         })         // setTimeout(() => {         //     loading.close()         // }, 3000)     } </script> <template>     <Button type="primary" @click="handleLoading">全屏loading</Button> </template>

ve-plus:基于 vue3.x 桌面端UI组件库|vue3组件库

ve-plus:基于 vue3.x 桌面端UI组件库|vue3组件库


<template>     <Button @click="Message.success("成功提示")">成功</Button>     <Button @click="Message({title: "警告提示", type: "warning"})">警告</Button>     <Button @click="Message.danger("错误提示")">错误</Button>     <Button @click=""消息提示")">消息</Button> </template>

ve-plus:基于 vue3.x 桌面端UI组件库|vue3组件库

ve-plus:基于 vue3.x 桌面端UI组件库|vue3组件库

ve-plus:基于 vue3.x 桌面端UI组件库|vue3组件库

ve-plus:基于 vue3.x 桌面端UI组件库|vue3组件库

ve-plus:基于 vue3.x 桌面端UI组件库|vue3组件库

ve-plus:基于 vue3.x 桌面端UI组件库|vue3组件库

<script setup>     // 设置多选     const tableToggleRef = ref()     const toggleSelection = (value) => {         tableToggleRef.value.setCurrentRow(value)     }     const toggleTableData = ref([...Array(5)].map((_, i) => ({         date: `2023-01-${10+i}`,         name: "Andy",         state: "Lindon",         city: "Los Ageles",         address: `London Park Road no. ${i}`,         zip: "CA 90036"     })))     const toggleTableColumns = ref([         {type: "selection", width: 100, fixed: true},         {prop: "date", label: "Date", width: 150, fixed: true},         {prop: "name", label: "Name", align: "center", width: 120},         {prop: "state", label: "State", width: 120},         {prop: "city", label: "City", width: 120},         {prop: "address", label: "Address", width: 600},         {prop: "zip", label: "Zip", width: 120},         {prop: "action", label: "Action", width: 120, fixed: "right"}     ]) </script> <template>     <Table         ref="tableToggleRef"         :dataSource="toggleTableData"         :columns="toggleTableColumns"         highlight-current-row         :highlight-multiple="true"     />     <Button block @click="toggleSelection([2,4])">Toggle selection status of third and five rows</Button>     <Button block @click="toggleSelection()">Clear selection</Button> </template>

ve-plus:基于 vue3.x 桌面端UI组件库|vue3组件库

ve-plus:基于 vue3.x 桌面端UI组件库|vue3组件库

ve-plus:基于 vue3.x 桌面端UI组件库|vue3组件库



ve-plus:基于 vue3.x 桌面端UI组件库|vue3组件库