在ubuntu 20.04下安装配置onedrive

  • 在ubuntu 20.04下安装配置onedrive已关闭评论
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项目地址:https://github.com/abraunegg/onedrive笔者系统版本:Ubuntu 20.04本文将介绍的主要内容:在Ubuntu20.04版本下下载、安装onedrive,并完成对该软件的基本设置,包括:修改保存位置、跳过onedrive下特定文件夹、开启日志、将onedrive设为系统服务


笔者系统版本:Ubuntu 20.04




wget -qO - https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/npreining:/debian-ubuntu-onedrive/xUbuntu_20.04/Release.key | sudo apt-key add - echo 'deb https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/npreining:/debian-ubuntu-onedrive/xUbuntu_20.04/ ./' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/onedrive.list sudo apt-get update sudo apt install onedrive 



  • onedrive授权
  • 下载、修改配置文件
  • 开始同步
  • 将onedrive设置成系统服务




  1. 推荐连接梯子后操作,但非必须

  2. 打开命令行,输入onedrive

  3. 在命令行中的url按住ctrl后左键单击打开。注意此时不要关闭打开的命令行

  4. 在网页中输入自己的帐号密码,随后会页面跳转至一个空白页。

  5. 复制空白页的地址,回到命令行并粘贴上一部复制的地址




  1. 在用户目录下创建文件夹
mkdir -p ~/.config/onedrive 
  1. 下载配置文件:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/abraunegg/onedrive/master/config -O ~/.config/onedrive/config 


# Configuration for OneDrive Linux Client # This file contains the list of supported configuration fields # with their default values. # All values need to be enclosed in quotes # When changing a config option below, remove the '#' from the start of the line # For explanations of all config options below see docs/USAGE.md or the man page. # # sync_dir = "~/OneDrive" # skip_file = "~*|.~*|*.tmp" # monitor_interval = "300" # skip_dir = "" # log_dir = "/var/log/onedrive/" # drive_id = "" # upload_only = "false" # check_nomount = "false" # check_nosync = "false" # download_only = "false" # disable_notifications = "false" # disable_upload_validation = "false" # enable_logging = "false" # force_http_11 = "false" # local_first = "false" # no_remote_delete = "false" # skip_symlinks = "false" # debug_https = "false" # skip_dotfiles = "false" # dry_run = "false" # min_notify_changes = "5" # monitor_log_frequency = "5" # monitor_fullscan_frequency = "12" # sync_root_files = "false" # classify_as_big_delete = "1000" # user_agent = "" # remove_source_files = "false" # skip_dir_strict_match = "false" # application_id = "" # resync = "false" # resync_auth = "false" # bypass_data_preservation = "false" # azure_ad_endpoint = "" # azure_tenant_id = "common" # sync_business_shared_folders = "false" # sync_dir_permissions = "700" # sync_file_permissions = "600" # rate_limit = "131072" # operation_timeout = "3600" # webhook_enabled = "false" # webhook_public_url = "" # webhook_listening_host = "" # webhook_listening_port = "8888" # webhook_expiration_interval = "86400" # webhook_renewal_interval = "43200" # space_reservation = "50" 



  • 同步在linux上的存储位置
  • 跳过一些在onedrive上,但不想保存在linux上的文件
  • 开启日志并修改日志存储位置




  1. onedrive默认的保存位置为~/OneDrive,也可以修改保存位置。方法如下

  2. 用任意编辑器打开文件:~/.config/onedrive/config

  3. 找到项sync_dir ,删去其前的#

  4. 这里笔者想要存储在本地目录~/Documents下,故将该项改成了sync_dir = "~/Documents",大家按需修改即可


  1. 笔者用linux学习记录更多一些,而onedrive中一些内容与学习记录这一目的无关。这时,为了节省空间,我们就需要跳过对这些与学习无关文件夹的同步了。方法如下
  2. 笔者onedrive的根目录下有三个文件夹:attachdocumentspictures,而我并不需要对pictures这一文件夹同步
  3. 用任意编辑器打开文件:~/.config/onedrive/config
  4. 找到项skip_dir ,删去其前的#
  5. 将该项改成skip_dir = "pictures"


  1. 文件夹可以有多个,其间用|分隔
  2. 文件夹可以定位至子文件夹如:pictures/arch1


  1. 笔者想要存储的日志位置为:~/.config/onedrive
  2. 打开配置文件
  3. 找到项log_dir ,删去其前的#
  4. 将该项改成log_dir = "~/.config/onedrive/",特别注意这里要确保在文件末尾加上/,否则无法正确识别


  1. 同步往往会因为GFW,导致连接出错,建议在联好梯子后运行
  2. 在正式运行前,可以先输入下列命令看看运行结果而不对系统产生变化,即dry run

onedrive --dry-run --synchronize


  1. 如果dry run符合你的预期,那么便可以正式运行啦,输入下列命令。

onedrive --synchronize --verbose --resync --local-first

  1. 运行完后,云端文件便保存至本地啦


官方的帮助文件中给出了三种方法,我采用的是通过systemd 以非root用户身份运行OneDrive服务,这种方法的好处是规避了root用户创建的文件权限的问题

  1. 此方法需要知晓root的密码,以及普通用户的用户名
  2. 运行onedrive --synchronize --verbose,查看是否正常运行
  3. 运行su,切换为root
  4. 运行systemctl enable [email protected],这里的dyson需要改成大家自己的用户名
  5. 运行systemctl start [email protected]dyson同上。此时系统服务就设置好了
  6. 运行systemctl status [email protected]dyson同上。这条命令用于查看是否正确运行
  7. 运行exit,回退至普通用户

附:onedrive --help

Configuration file successfully loaded OneDrive - a client for OneDrive Cloud Services  Usage:   onedrive [options] --synchronize       Do a one time synchronization   onedrive [options] --monitor       Monitor filesystem and sync regularly   onedrive [options] --display-config       Display the currently used configuration   onedrive [options] --display-sync-status       Query OneDrive service and report on pending changes   onedrive -h | --help       Show this help screen   onedrive --version       Show version  Options:    --auth-files ARG       Perform authentication not via interactive dialog but via files read/writes to these files.   --auth-response ARG       Perform authentication not via interactive dialog but via providing the response url directly.   --check-for-nomount       Check for the presence of .nosync in the syncdir root. If found, do not perform sync.   --check-for-nosync       Check for the presence of .nosync in each directory. If found, skip directory from sync.   --classify-as-big-delete       Number of children in a path that is locally removed which will be classified as a 'big data delete'   --confdir ARG       Set the directory used to store the configuration files   --create-directory ARG       Create a directory on OneDrive - no sync will be performed.   --create-share-link ARG       Create a shareable link for an existing file on OneDrive   --debug-https       Debug OneDrive HTTPS communication.   --destination-directory ARG       Destination directory for renamed or move on OneDrive - no sync will be performed.   --disable-download-validation       Disable download validation when downloading from OneDrive   --disable-notifications       Do not use desktop notifications in monitor mode.   --disable-upload-validation       Disable upload validation when uploading to OneDrive   --display-config       Display what options the client will use as currently configured - no sync will be performed.   --display-sync-status       Display the sync status of the client - no sync will be performed.   --download-only       Replicate the OneDrive online state locally, by only downloading changes from OneDrive. Do not upload local changes to OneDrive.   --dry-run       Perform a trial sync with no changes made   --enable-logging       Enable client activity to a separate log file   --force       Force the deletion of data when a 'big delete' is detected   --force-http-11       Force the use of HTTP 1.1 for all operations   --force-sync       Force a synchronization of a specific folder, only when using --synchronize --single-directory and ignore all non-default skip_dir and skip_file rules   --get-O365-drive-id ARG       Query and return the Office 365 Drive ID for a given Office 365 SharePoint Shared Library   --get-file-link ARG       Display the file link of a synced file   --help -h       This help information.   --list-shared-folders       List OneDrive Business Shared Folders   --local-first       Synchronize from the local directory source first, before downloading changes from OneDrive.   --log-dir ARG       Directory where logging output is saved to, needs to end with a slash.   --logout       Logout the current user   --min-notify-changes ARG       Minimum number of pending incoming changes necessary to trigger a desktop notification   --modified-by ARG       Display the last modified by details of a given path   --monitor -m       Keep monitoring for local and remote changes   --monitor-fullscan-frequency ARG       Number of sync runs before performing a full local scan of the synced directory   --monitor-interval ARG       Number of seconds by which each sync operation is undertaken when idle under monitor mode.   --monitor-log-frequency ARG       Frequency of logging in monitor mode   --no-remote-delete       Do not delete local file 'deletes' from OneDrive when using --upload-only   --operation-timeout       Maximum amount of time (in seconds) an operation is allowed to take   --print-token       Print the access token, useful for debugging   --reauth       Reauthenticate the client with OneDrive   --remove-directory ARG       Remove a directory on OneDrive - no sync will be performed.   --remove-source-files       Remove source file after successful transfer to OneDrive when using --upload-only   --resync       Forget the last saved state, perform a full sync   --resync-auth       Approve the use of performing a --resync action   --single-directory ARG       Specify a single local directory within the OneDrive root to sync.   --skip-dir ARG       Skip any directories that match this pattern from syncing   --skip-dir-strict-match       When matching skip_dir directories, only match explicit matches   --skip-dot-files       Skip dot files and folders from syncing   --skip-file ARG       Skip any files that match this pattern from syncing   --skip-size ARG       Skip new files larger than this size (in MB)   --skip-symlinks       Skip syncing of symlinks   --source-directory ARG       Source directory to rename or move on OneDrive - no sync will be performed.   --space-reservation ARG       The amount of disk space to reserve (in MB) to avoid 100% disk space utilisation   --sync-root-files       Sync all files in sync_dir root when using sync_list.   --sync-shared-folders       Sync OneDrive Business Shared Folders   --syncdir ARG       Specify the local directory used for synchronization to OneDrive   --synchronize       Perform a synchronization   --upload-only       Replicate the locally configured sync_dir state to OneDrive, by only uploading local changes to OneDrive. Do not download changes from OneDrive.   --user-agent ARG       Specify a User Agent string to the http client   --verbose -v+       Print more details, useful for debugging (repeat for extra debugging)   --version       Print the version and exit